Quotes of Waiter - somelinesforyou

“ If you hack the Vatican server, have you tampered in God's domain? ”

- Aaron Allston

“ Well, isn't Bohemia a place where everyone is as good as everyone else — and must not a waiter be a little less than a waiter to be a good Bohemian? ”

- Djuna Barnes

“ I'm an assistant storyteller. It's like being a waiter or a gas-station attendant, but I'm waiting on six million people a week, if I'm lucky. ”

- Jane Fonda

“ The postman wants an autograph. The cab driver wants a picture. The waitress wants a handshake. Everyone wants a piece of you. ”

- John Lennon

“ Epitaph for a dead waiter - God finally caught his eye. ”

- George S. Kaufman

“ I distrust anyone with a slash in their job description. I've met too many actor/waiters and too many rock musician/electricians. ”

- Brad Holland

“ Fate is like a strange, unpopular restaurant, filled with odd waiters who bring you things you never asked for and don't always like. ”

- Lemony Snicket

“ With my wife I don't get no respect. I made a toast on her birthday to 'the best woman a man ever had.' The waiter joined me. ”

- Rodney Dangerfield

“ I went into a French restaraunt and asked the waiter, 'Have you got frog's legs?' He said, 'Yes,' so I said, 'Well hop into the kitchen and get me a cheese sandwich.'. ”

- Tommy Cooper

“ The age of your children is a key factor in how quickly you are served in a restaurant. We once had a waiter in Canada who said, Could I get you your check? and we answered, How about the menu first? ”

- Erma Bombeck

“ There are things you just can't do in life. You can't beat the phone company, you can't make a waiter see you until he's ready to see you, and you can't go home again. ”

- Bill Bryson

“ The soup is never hot enough if the waiter can keep his thumb in it. ”

- William Collier

“ It is a good thing that life is not as serious as it seems to a waiter. ”

- Don Herold

“ I'm an assistant storyteller. It's like being a waiter or a gas-station attendant, but I'm waiting on six million people a week, if I'm lucky. ”

- Harrison Ford

“ A diplomat these days is nothing but a head waiter who is allowed to sit down occasionally. ”

- Peter Ustinov

“ A cannibal is a guy who goes into a restaurant and orders the waiter. ”

- Jack Benny

“ Penguin servers are designed and custom built for high volume dedicated hosting environments like ours. And because the servers were pre-integrated by Penguin's experts, we can deliver increased reliability through a superior quality control process. This allows us to focus on tailoring servers to each customer's unique needs and providing even more value to our customers with these high end machines. ”

- Julia Morgan

“ Their eyes sparkled and their pencils flew as she proceeded to eviscerate my wallet - pt, Whitstable oysters, a sole, filet mignon, and a favorite salad of the Nizam of Hyderabad made of shredded five-pound notes. ”

- S. J. Perelman

“ It was a pleasant caf, warm and clean and friendly, and I hung up my old waterproof on the coat rack to dry and put my worn and weathered felt hat on the rack above the bench and ordered a caf au lait. The waiter brought it and I took out a notebook from the pocket of the coat and a pencil and started to write. ”

- Ernest Hemingway

“ Their the waiters' eyes sparkled and their pencils flew as she proceeded to eviscerate my wallet - pate, Whitstable oysters, a sole, filet mignon, and a favorite salad of the Nizam of Hyderabad made of shredded five-pound notes. ”

- S. J. Perelman

“ My father was a waiter basically, and when I got my first professional job as an actor, I left a job that he found me for half the amount of money. So anyone would think that they're stupid, that that would be a stupid move. ”

- Alfred Molina

“ In this country, the average actor goes to drama school and then perhaps does small parts on British TV, plays a waiter and whatever. And there I was sharing the screen with Christian Slater and Val Kilmer. It's like, did I miss a beat somewhere? ”

- Will Kemp

“ I was a banquet waiter at the Beverly Hilton hotel. You learn a lot when you're in the service industry-the jerks of the world really come to the fore. It's a valuable learning experience to be in the position where you're of service to someone who sometimes doesn't even know you're there. ”

- Andy Garcia

“ Women's hands, heavy with diamonds, stirred coffee in tiny cups or alighted playfully on a neighboring sleeve. Young men's hands, with costly cuff links and the slimmest of watches, waved languorously at wine buckets and waiters. ”

- Kennedy Fraser

“ Mozart's job classification was to write music, which he did for ballets and operas. He got paid to do that, and taught on the side. He wasn't a waiter. He didn't sell mutual funds. Those are all noble professions, but if you want to be a professional composer, then you're writing dramatic music for film and television. ”

- Bill Conti
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