Quotes of William Collier - somelinesforyou

“ The soup is never hot enough if the waiter can keep his thumb in it. ”

- William Collier

“ The soup is never hot enough if the waiter can keep his thumb in it. ”

- William Collier

“ The soup is never hot enough if the waiter can keep his thumb in it. ”

- William Collier

“ The soup is never hot enough if the waiter can keep his thumb in it. ”

- William Collier

“ The police cleared the blockade earlier this morning although there had been no interruption to production at either the mill or the mine. ”

- William Collier

“ The soup is never hot enough if the waiter can keep his thumb in it. ”

- William Collier

“ The soup is never hot enough if the waiter can keep his thumb in it. ”

- William Collier

“ The soup is never hot enough if the waiter can keep his thumb in it. ”

- William Collier
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