Quotes of Telly - somelinesforyou

“ They say that ninety percent of TV is junk. But, ninety percent of everything is junk. ”

- Gene Roddenberry

“ TV is a fickle business. I'm only good for the length of my contract. ”

- Tom Brokaw

“ It is to TV that I owe my freedom from bondage of the Latin lover roles. Television came along and gave me parts to chew on. It gave me wings as an actor. ”

- Ricardo Montalban

“ What do a few lies on TV matter? They can be swallowed, digested and excreted, or follow people when they doze off to sink into oblivion. ”

- Zhang Jie

“ Local television and local TV news isn't telling the voters about local candidates. ”

- Reed Hundt

“ You're not anyone in America unless you're on TV. ”

- Nicole Kidman

“ I love vegging out in front of the TV, eating pizza! ”

- Emma Bunton

“ Art may imitate life, but life imitates TV. ”

- Ani DiFranco

“ So much of TV seems to be chewing gum for the eyes.... TV desperately needs more self-reliance and pride in the medium. ”

- John Mason Brown

“ TV. If kids are entertained by two letters, imagine the fun they'll have with twenty-six. Open your child's imagination. Open a book. ”

- Unknown

“ I've about had it — the agencies, the winking, the networks, the ratings. Anyone who thinks TV is an art medium is crazy — it's an advertising medium. ”

- Robert Altman

“ I haven't had a TV in 10 years, and I really don't miss it. 'Cause it's always so much more fun to be with people than it ever was to be with a television. ”

- Chuck Palahniuk

“ Imagine what it would be like if TV actually were good. It would be the end of everything we know. ”

- Marvin Minsky

“ The one function TV news performs very well is that when there is no news we give it to you with the same emphasis as if there were. ”

- David Brinkley

“ TV — chewing gum for the eyes. ”

- Frank Lloyd Wright

“ There's a good deal in common between the mind's eye and the TV screen, and though the TV set has all too often been the boobtube, it could be, it can be, the box of dreams. ”

- Ursula K. Le Guin

“ The answers to life's problems aren't at the bottom of a bottle, they're on TV! ”

- Homer Simpson

“ If you read a lot of books you are considered well read. But if you watch a lot of TV, you're not considered well viewed. ”

- Lily Tomlin

“ I got sick of turning on the TV and seeing my face. ”

- Michael J. Fox

“ If it weren't for the fact that the TV set and the refrigerator are so far apart, some of us wouldn't get any exercise at all. ”

- Joey Adams

“ I don't even own a TV because I think it's the devil. ”

- Cameron Diaz

“ TV is chewing gum for the eyes. ”

- Frank Lloyd Wright

“ Woe to us if we get our satisfaction from the food in the kitchen and the TV in the den and the sex in the bedroom with an occasional tribute to the cement blocks in the basement! ”

- John Piper

“ Television is actually closer to reality than anything in books. The madness of TV is the madness of human life. ”

- Camille Paglia

“ The second time I got drunk I was 14. All the tellies in the house were smashed, my signed Muhammad Ali picture was destroyed, and I couldn't remember a second of any of it! ”

- Robbie Williams

“ They say that ninety percent of TV is junk. But, ninety percent of everything is junk. ”

- Gene Roddenberry

“ TV is a fickle business. I'm only good for the length of my contract. ”

- Tom Brokaw

“ It is to TV that I owe my freedom from bondage of the Latin lover roles. Television came along and gave me parts to chew on. It gave me wings as an actor. ”

- Ricardo Montalban

“ What do a few lies on TV matter? They can be swallowed, digested and excreted, or follow people when they doze off to sink into oblivion. ”

- Zhang Jie

“ Local television and local TV news isn't telling the voters about local candidates. ”

- Reed Hundt
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