Quotes of Camille Paglia - somelinesforyou

“ We cannot have a world where everyone is a victim. "I'm this way because my father made me this way. I'm this way because my husband made me this way." Yes, we are indeed formed by traumas that happen to us. But then you must take charge, you must take over, you are responsible. ”

- Camille Paglia

“ The western mind makes definitions; it draws lines. ”

- Camille Paglia

“ Out with stereotypes, feminism proclaims. But stereotypes are the west's stunning sexual personae, the vehicles of art's assault against nature. The moment there is imagination, there is myth. ”

- Camille Paglia

“ Male aggression and lust are the energizing factors in culture. They are men's tools of survival in the pagan vastness of female nature. ”

- Camille Paglia

“ Pornography is human imagination in tense theatrical action; its violations are a protest against the violations of our freedom by nature. ”

- Camille Paglia

“ Women are in league with each other, a secret conspiracy of hearts and pheromones. ”

- Camille Paglia

“ Jesus was a brilliant Jewish stand-up comedian, a phenomenal improviser. His parables are great one-liners. ”

- Camille Paglia

“ My thinking tends to be libertarian. That is, I oppose intrusions of the state into the private realm — as in abortion, sodomy, prostitution, pornography, drug use, or suicide, all of which I would strongly defend as matters of free choice in a representative democracy. ”

- Camille Paglia

“ Pornography is human imagination in tense theatrical action; its violations are a protest against the violations of our freedom by nature. ”

- Camille Paglia

“ It is capitalist America that produced the modern independent woman. Never in history have women had more freedom of choice in regard to dress, behavior, career, and sexual orientation. ”

- Camille Paglia

“ Despite crime's omnipresence, things work in society, because biology compels it. Order eventually restores itself, by psychic equilibrium. ”

- Camille Paglia

“ It is capitalist America that produced the modern independent woman. Never in history have women had more freedom of choice in regard to dress, behavior, career, and sexual orientation. ”

- Camille Paglia

“ Jesus was a brilliant Jewish stand-up comedian, a phenomenal improviser. His parables are great one-liners. ”

- Camille Paglia

“ The trauma of the Sixties persuaded me that my generation's egalitarianism was a sentimental error. I now see the hierarchical as both beautiful and necessary. Efficiency liberates; egalitarianism tangles, delays, blocks, deadens. ”

- Camille Paglia

“ Beauty is our weapon against nature. By it we make objects, giving them limit, symmetry, proportion. Beauty halts and freezes the melting flux of nature. ”

- Camille Paglia

“ Modern bodybuilding is ritual, religion, sport, art, and science, awash in Western chemistry and mathematics. Defying nature, it surpasses it. ”

- Camille Paglia

“ Our major universities are now stuck with an army of pedestrian, toadying careerists, Fifties types who wave around Sixties banners to conceal their record of ruthless, beaver-like tunneling to the top. ”

- Camille Paglia

“ Modern bodybuilding is ritual, religion, sport, art, and science, awash in Western chemistry and mathematics. Defying nature, it surpasses it. ”

- Camille Paglia

“ American universities are organized on the principle of the nuclear rather than the extended family. Graduate students are grimly trained to be technicians rather than connoisseurs. The old German style of universal scholarship has gone. ”

- Camille Paglia

“ Our major universities are now stuck with an army of pedestrian, toadying careerists, Fifties types who wave around Sixties banners to conceal their record of ruthless, beaver-like tunneling to the top. ”

- Camille Paglia

“ It is capitalist America that produced the modern independent woman. Never in history have women had more freedom of choice in regard to dress, behavior, career, and sexual orientation. ”

- Camille Paglia

“ The only thing that will be remembered about my enemies after they're dead is the nasty things I've said about them. ”

- Camille Paglia

“ Despite crime's omnipresence, things work in society, because biology compels it. Order eventually restores itself, by psychic equilibrium. ”

- Camille Paglia

“ A woman simply is, but a man must become. Masculinity is risky and elusive. It is achieved by a revolt from woman, and it is confirmed only by other men. Manhood coerced into sensitivity is no manhood at all. ”

- Camille Paglia

“ Capitalism is an art form, an Apollonian fabrication to rival nature. It is hypocritical for feminists and intellectuals to enjoy the pleasures and conveniences of capitalism while sneering at it. Everyone born into capitalism has incurred a debt to it… ”

- Camille Paglia

“ Men know they are sexual exiles. They wander the earth seeking satisfaction, craving and despising, never content. There is nothing in that anguished motion for women to envy. ”

- Camille Paglia

“ Out with stereotypes, feminism proclaims. But stereotypes are the west's stunning sexual personae, the vehicles of art's assault against nature. The moment there is imagination, there is myth. ”

- Camille Paglia

“ We should teach general ethics to both men and women, but sexual relationships themselves must not be policed. Sex, like the city streets, would be risk-free only in totalitarian regimes. ”

- Camille Paglia

“ Education has become a prisoner of contemporaneity. It is the past, not the dizzy present, that is the best door to the future. ”

- Camille Paglia

“ There is no true expertise in the humanities without knowing all of the humanities. Art is a vast, ancient interconnected web-work, a fabricated tradition. Over-concentration on any one point is a distortion. ”

- Camille Paglia
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