Quotes of Telegraph - somelinesforyou

“ We've basically sold our position in USAI,... We're very much focused on bearing down on cable and interactive television. ”

- Paul Allen

“ By diligence and patience, the mouse bit in two the cable. ”

- Benjamin Franklin

“ The overabundance of scripted programming on broadcast and cable networks has made audiences mostly numb to it. ”

- Ted Harbert

“ A man never feels more important than when he receives a telegram containing more than ten words. ”

- George Ade

“ When an actor has money, he doesn't send letters, but telegrams. ”

- Anton Chekhov

“ I once sent a dozen of my friends a telegram saying 'flee at once - all is discovered.' They all left town immediately. ”

- Mark Twain

“ Telegram to a friend who had just become a mother after a prolonged pregnancy: Good work, Mary. We all knew you had it in you. ”

- Dorothy Parker

“ New York City is a great monument to the power of money and greed… a race for rent. ”

- Frank Lloyd Wright

“ I was relatively technically adept. I can edit and wire up a light. ”

- Ian Hart

“ Immediate steps have been taken internally at the Globe and Telegram & Gazette to increase security around credit card reporting. ”

- Richard Gilman

“ Meanwhile, there's more poker than soft porn on cable TV these days - and the broadcast networks are getting in on the game as well. ”

- Richard Roeper

“ I think that we have to look at television, we have to look at cable, we have to look at the gratuitous levels of violence in our theaters. We as parents have to look at the Internet. ”

- Bill Owens

“ The American father is never seen in London. He passes his life entirely in Wall Street and communicates with his family once a month by means of a telegram in cipher. ”

- Oscar Wilde

“ The cable TV sex channels don't expand our horizons, don't make us better people, and don't come in clearly enough. ”

- Bill Maher

“ Habits are first cobwebs, then cables. ”

- Anonymous

“ To escape jury duty in England, wear a bowler hat and carry a copy of the Daily telegraph. ”

- John Mortimer

“ The press, the machine, the railway, the telegraph are premises whose thousand-year conclusion no one has yet dared to draw. ”

- Friedrich Nietzsche

“ The wireless telegraph is not difficult to understand. The ordinary telegraph is like a very long cat. You pull the tail in New York, and it meows in Los Angeles. The wireless is the same, only without the cat. ”

- Albert Einstein

“ It's true that heroes are inspiring, but mustn't they also do some rescuing if they are to be worthy of their name? Would Wonder Woman matter if she only sent commiserating telegrams to the distressed? ”

- Jeanette Winterson

“ There is a lull to the very air of the place, the creaking of the tall teak forests, the lapping of the canals, the gentle swaying of the little kingfishers who sit like neat blue idols on almost every telegraph wire. ”

- James Morris

“ We've basically sold our position in USAI,... We're very much focused on bearing down on cable and interactive television. ”

- Paul Allen

“ By diligence and patience, the mouse bit in two the cable. ”

- Benjamin Franklin

“ The overabundance of scripted programming on broadcast and cable networks has made audiences mostly numb to it. ”

- Ted Harbert

“ A man never feels more important than when he receives a telegram containing more than ten words. ”

- George Ade

“ When an actor has money, he doesn't send letters, but telegrams. ”

- Anton Chekhov

“ I once sent a dozen of my friends a telegram saying 'flee at once - all is discovered.' They all left town immediately. ”

- Mark Twain

“ Telegram to a friend who had just become a mother after a prolonged pregnancy: Good work, Mary. We all knew you had it in you. ”

- Dorothy Parker

“ New York City is a great monument to the power of money and greed… a race for rent. ”

- Frank Lloyd Wright

“ I was relatively technically adept. I can edit and wire up a light. ”

- Ian Hart

“ Immediate steps have been taken internally at the Globe and Telegram & Gazette to increase security around credit card reporting. ”

- Richard Gilman
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