Quotes of Richard Gilman - somelinesforyou

“ Being a sports fan is a complex matter, in part irrational but not unworthy a relief from the seriousness of the real world, with its unending pressures and often grave obligations. ”

- Richard Gilman

“ Being a sports fan is a complex matter, in part irrational but not unworthy a relief from the seriousness of the real world, with its unending pressures and often grave obligations. ”

- Richard Gilman

“ There's an appreciation, not unlike that for dancers or tightrope walkers, of the body undergoing tests and coming through them by courage and technique; a desire for clean results. ”

- Richard Gilman

“ There's an appreciation, not unlike that for dancers or tightrope walkers, of the body undergoing tests and coming through them by courage and technique; a desire for clean results. ”

- Richard Gilman

“ Being a sports fan is a complex matter, in part irrational but not unworthy a relief from the seriousness of the real world, with its unending pressures and often grave obligations. ”

- Richard Gilman

“ Being a sports fan is a complex matter, in part irrational but not unworthy a relief from the seriousness of the real world, with its unending pressures and often grave obligations. ”

- Richard Gilman

“ Being a sports fan is a complex matter, in part irrational but not unworthy a relief from the seriousness of the real world, with its unending pressures and often grave obligations. ”

- Richard Gilman

“ Being a sports fan is a complex matter, in part irrational but not unworthy a relief from the seriousness of the real world, with its unending pressures and often grave obligations. ”

- Richard Gilman

“ There's an appreciation, not unlike that for dancers or tightrope walkers, of the body undergoing tests and coming through them by courage and technique; a desire for clean results. ”

- Richard Gilman

“ Immediate steps have been taken internally at the Globe and Telegram & Gazette to increase security around credit card reporting. ”

- Richard Gilman

“ Being a sports fan is a complex matter, in part irrational but not unworthy a relief from the seriousness of the real world, with its unending pressures and often grave obligations. ”

- Richard Gilman

“ Being a sports fan is a complex matter, in part irrational but not unworthy a relief from the seriousness of the real world, with its unending pressures and often grave obligations. ”

- Richard Gilman

“ Immediate steps have been taken internally at the Globe and Telegram & Gazette to increase security around credit card reporting. ”

- Richard Gilman

“ Immediate steps have been taken internally at the Globe and Telegram & Gazette to increase security around credit card reporting. ”

- Richard Gilman

“ There's an appreciation, not unlike that for dancers or tightrope walkers, of the body undergoing tests and coming through them by courage and technique; a desire for clean results. ”

- Richard Gilman

“ Immediate steps have been taken internally at the Globe and Telegram & Gazette to increase security around credit card reporting. ”

- Richard Gilman

“ There's an appreciation, not unlike that for dancers or tightrope walkers, of the body undergoing tests and coming through them by courage and technique; a desire for clean results. ”

- Richard Gilman

“ There's an appreciation, not unlike that for dancers or tightrope walkers, of the body undergoing tests and coming through them by courage and technique; a desire for clean results. ”

- Richard Gilman

“ There's an appreciation, not unlike that for dancers or tightrope walkers, of the body undergoing tests and coming through them by courage and technique; a desire for clean results. ”

- Richard Gilman

“ Being a sports fan is a complex matter, in part irrational but not unworthy a relief from the seriousness of the real world, with its unending pressures and often grave obligations. ”

- Richard Gilman

“ Being a sports fan is a complex matter, in part irrational but not unworthy a relief from the seriousness of the real world, with its unending pressures and often grave obligations. ”

- Richard Gilman

“ There's an appreciation, not unlike that for dancers or tightrope walkers, of the body undergoing tests and coming through them by courage and technique; a desire for clean results. ”

- Richard Gilman
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