Quotes of Tightrope - somelinesforyou

“ Being on the tightrope is living; everything else is waiting. ”

- Karl Wallenda

“ Life is either always a tightrope or a feather bed. Give me the tightrope. ”

- Edith Wharton

“ The leader can never close the gap between himself and the group. If he does, he is no longer what he must be. He must walk a tightrope between the consent he must win and the control he must exert. ”

- Vince Lombardi

“ Thinking in words slows you down and actually decreases comprehension in much the same way as walking a tightrope too slowly makes one lose one's balance. ”

- Lenore Fleischer

“ There's an appreciation, not unlike that for dancers or tightrope walkers, of the body undergoing tests and coming through them by courage and technique; a desire for clean results. ”

- Richard Gilman
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