Quotes of Unending - somelinesforyou

“ The chief qualification of a mass leader has become unending infallibility; he can never admit an error. ”

- Hannah Arendt

“ The world is but a perpetual see-saw. ”

- Michel Eyquem de Montaigne

“ The world is but a large prison, out of which some are daily selected for execution. ”

- Sir Walter Raleigh

“ The power of prayer is still the greatest ever known in this endless eternal universe. ”

- Stan Lee

“ Nothing is to come, and nothing past: But an eternal now, does always last. ”

- Abraham Cowley

“ The moral world is as little exempt as the physical world from the law of ceaseless change, of perpetual flux. ”

- James G. Frazer

“ It is still an unending source of surprise for me how a few scribbles on a blackboard or on a piece of paper can change the course of human affairs. ”

- Stanislaw Ulam

“ Being a sports fan is a complex matter, in part irrational but not unworthy a relief from the seriousness of the real world, with its unending pressures and often grave obligations. ”

- Richard Gilman

“ Continual improvement is an unending journey. ”

- Lloyd Dobens and Clare Crawford Mason

“ We shall serve for the joy of serving, prosperity shall flow to us and through us in unending streams of plenty. ”

- Charles Fillmore

“ Skill makes love unending. ”

- Ovid

“ As you begin to understand the immense power and love you hold inside, you will find an unending surge of joy, light and love that will nourish and support you all the days of your life. ”

- Susan Jeffers

“ The resource from which God gives is boundless, measureless, unlimited, unending, abundant, almighty, and eternal. ”

- Jack W. Hayford

“ Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty. ”

- Jacob Bronowski

“ There's always a great deal of business to be transacted in one's office. There are always visitors it seems to me, an unending stream of them, who come with letters of recommendation, or come actually on substantive business. ”

- David Bruce
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