Quotes of Unwillingness - somelinesforyou

“ When I have reached a summit, I leave it with great reluctance, unless it is to reach for another, higher one. ”

- Gustav Mahler

“ The bed is a bundle of paradoxes: we go to it with reluctance, yet we quit it with regret; we make up our minds every night to leave it early, but we make up our bodies every morning to keep it late. ”

- Ogden Nash

“ There is nothing we receive with so much reluctance as advice. ”

- Joseph Addison

“ We hear the haunting presentiment of a dutiful middle age in the current reluctance of young people to select any option except the one they feel will impinge upon them the least. ”

- Gail Sheehy

“ There is nothing which we receive with so much reluctance as advice. ”

- Joseph Addison

“ The underlying sickness of human life is an unwillingness to look with open eyes at the condition of the world. ”

- Hu Shih

“ What keeps so many employers back is simple unwillingness to pay the price, to make the exertion, the effort to sacrifice their ease and comfort. ”

- Orison S. Marden

“ The greatest difficulty with the world is not its ability to produce, but the unwillingness to share. ”

- Roy L. Smith

“ Back of ninety-nine out of one-hundred assertions that a thing cannot be done is nothing, but the unwillingness to do it. ”

- William Feather

“ Without individuals feeling safe and having an environment of safety, they then have reluctance of taking part in the city of being active. They wind up wanting to leave the city. That's more detrimental. ”

- Dick Powell

“ I'm not sure why writing for others became harder. Probably a reluctance to give away anything you might conceivably use yourself caused a block. I did it, but it remained hard when it had once been easy. ”

- Dick Cavett

“ There was a reluctance, an unwillingness on the part of political leaders,... to come to terms with the consequences of going into fighting, finding out that the air campaign wasn't working, wasn't working rapidly enough or whatever, and then having to move on… ”

- Wesley Clark

“ I notice increasing reluctance on the part of marketing executives to use judgment; they are coming to rely too much on research, and they use it as a drunkard uses a lamp post for support, rather than for illumination. ”

- David Ogilvy

“ A short letter to a distant friend is, in my opinion, an insult like that of a slight bow or cursory salutation — a proof of unwillingness to do much, even where there is a necessity of doing something. ”

- Samuel Johnson

“ Cafeteria-style education, combined with the unwillingness of our schools to place demands on students, has resulted in a steady diminishment of commonly shared information between generations and between young people themselves. ”

- E. D. Hirsch Jr.
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