Quotes of Dick Powell - somelinesforyou

“ The best thing about switching from being an actor to being a director is that you don't have to shave or hold your stomach in anymore. ”

- Dick Powell

“ Without individuals feeling safe and having an environment of safety, they then have reluctance of taking part in the city of being active. They wind up wanting to leave the city. That's more detrimental. ”

- Dick Powell

“ Bill's probably making about $2 an hour when you consider how much he's making against what he could be making in retirement. Why does somebody come to work like that? ”

- Dick Powell

“ The best thing about switching from being an actor to being a director is that you don't have to shave or hold your stomach in anymore. ”

- Dick Powell

“ The best thing about switching from being an actor to being a director is that you don't have to shave or hold your stomach in anymore. ”

- Dick Powell

“ The best thing about switching from being an actor to being a director is that you don't have to shave or hold your stomach in anymore. ”

- Dick Powell

“ Without individuals feeling safe and having an environment of safety, they then have reluctance of taking part in the city of being active. They wind up wanting to leave the city. That's more detrimental. ”

- Dick Powell
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