Quotes of Ufo - somelinesforyou

“ Two possibilities exist: Either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying. ”

- Arthur C. Clarke

“ I know for a fact that if there's a role which I am suited for, I'll be signed on. I'll never go begging. ”

- Aishwarya Rai

“ What struck me more than the book's UFO stories, however, was the common thread weaving among them of breathtaking alterations in consciousness associated with the experiences — sensations of leaving the body, of flying through the air or being "carried along by the wind," and receiving "startling and novel insights into the nature of reality" that reverberated thereafter with profound, life-changing effects. ”

- Susan M. Watkins

“ When science progresses on various planes, then such visitations become less accidental and more planned. However, since the inhabitants of each plane are bound by the particular materialized patterns of their 'home,' they bring this pattern of camouflaged vitality with them… ”

- Jane Roberts

“ If you want to be important - that's wonderful. If you want to be great - that's wonderful. But recognize that he who is greatest among you shall be your servant. That's your new definition of greatness - it means that everybody can be great because everybody can serve… ”

- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

“ These left me in no doubt that something was trying to communicate with us, but that direct communication would be counterproductive. It seemed to be an important part of the scheme to create a sense of mystery. ”

- Colin Wilson

“ To my way of thinking, there is every bit as much evidence for the existence of UFOs as there is for the existence of God. Probably far more. At least in the case of UFOs there have been countless taped and filmed and, by the way, unexplained sightings from all over the world, along with documented radar evidence seen by experienced military and civilian radar operators. ”

- George Carlin

“ How would it be if we discovered that aliens only stopped by earth to let their kids take a leak? ”

- Jay Leno

“ One theory which can no longer be taken very seriously is that UFOs are interstellar spaceships. ”

- Arthur C. Clarke

“ I am discounting reports of UFOs. Why would they appear only to cranks and weirdos? ”

- Stephen Hawking

“ I've seen lights in the sky, I've seen UFOs, I've even seen something on the ground that I can't explain, but I've never actually seen a being. I wish I had. ”

- Uri Geller

“ It is altogether reasonable to conclude that the heavenly bodies, alias worlds, which move or are situate within the circle of our knowledge, as well all others throughout immensity, are each and every one of them possessed or inhabited by some intelligent agents or other, however different their sensations or manners of receiving or communicating their ideas may be from ours, or however different from each other… ”

- Ethan Allen

“ Some reputable scientists deny and others assert that UFOs do appear to people from time to time. Some scientists have reached the place where they think they can prove that these are possibly visitors from outer space. Some Christian writers have speculated that UFOs could very well be apart of God's angelic host who preside over the physical affairs of universal creation… ”

- Billy Graham

“ Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. And yet, I ask you, is not an alien force already among us? ”

- Ronald Reagan

“ Don't you believe in flying saucers, they ask me? Don't you believe in telepathy? — in ancient astronauts? — in the Bermuda triangle? — in life after death? "No," I reply. "No, no, no, no, and again no." One person recently, goaded into desperation by the litany of unrelieved negation, burst out "Don't you believe in anything?" "Yes", I said… ”

- Isaac Asimov

“ I certainly believe that UFOs are really on occasion extraterrestrial craft visiting earth, so to me that means that our government, our military at some level they know they're here, and they're either frightened of them because they don't know, or they wish to figure a way to defend against them. ”

- Art Bell

“ If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn't turn out well for the Native Americans.... We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. ”

- Stephen Hawking

“ It is known that there is an infinite number of worlds, simply because there is an infinite amount of space for them to be in. However, not every one of them is inhabited. Therefore, there must be a finite number of inhabited worlds. Any finite number divided by infinity is as near to nothing as makes no odds, so the average population of all the planets in the universe can be said to be zero… ”

- Douglas Adams

“ I have to argue about flying saucers on the beach with people, you know. And I was interested in this: they keep arguing that it is possible. And that's true. It is possible. They do not appreciate that the problem is not to demonstrate whether it's possible or not but whether it's going on or not. ”

- Richard Feynman

“ Whether we ever get to know about them or not, there are very probably alien civilizations that are superhuman, to the point of being god-like in ways that exceed anything a theologian could possibly imagine. Their technical achievements would seem as supernatural to us as ours would seem to a Dark Age peasant transported to the twenty-first century… ”

- Richard Dawkins
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