Quotes of Art Bell - somelinesforyou

“ I'd say we heard 30 shots or more. We all just got to work, put on some coffee, and as we were waiting on the coffee, heard some shots. ”

- Art Bell

“ I'd say we heard 30 shots or more. We all just got to work, put on some coffee, and as we were waiting on the coffee, heard some shots. ”

- Art Bell

“ I certainly believe that UFOs are really on occasion extraterrestrial craft visiting earth, so to me that means that our government, our military at some level they know they're here, and they're either frightened of them because they don't know, or they wish to figure a way to defend against them. ”

- Art Bell

“ Fear is a great motivator. Look at what 9-11 has accomplished - My god. It's slammed the economy, It's - I can't even begin to detail all it's actually done, other than bring down the buildings and hit the Pentagon. It's stunned the entire nation. ”

- Art Bell

“ Our government, at least according to the NIGHTLINE program that ran, financed STAR GATE over 20 years with 20 million dollars or something like that, at the end of which they more or less declared it to be a failure, and stopped the program. ”

- Art Bell

“ Our government, at least according to the NIGHTLINE program that ran, financed STAR GATE over 20 years with 20 million dollars or something like that, at the end of which they more or less declared it to be a failure, and stopped the program. ”

- Art Bell

“ Fear is a great motivator. Look at what 9-11 has accomplished - My god. It's slammed the economy, It's - I can't even begin to detail all it's actually done, other than bring down the buildings and hit the Pentagon. It's stunned the entire nation. ”

- Art Bell

“ I certainly believe that UFOs are really on occasion extraterrestrial craft visiting earth, so to me that means that our government, our military at some level they know they're here, and they're either frightened of them because they don't know, or they wish to figure a way to defend against them. ”

- Art Bell

“ Fear is a great motivator. Look at what 9-11 has accomplished - My god. It's slammed the economy, It's - I can't even begin to detail all it's actually done, other than bring down the buildings and hit the Pentagon. It's stunned the entire nation. ”

- Art Bell

“ Well, a lot of people would say it's ridiculous to imagine the United States would either start something or stage something but - gee whiz! - Remember the Gulf of Tonkin! ”

- Art Bell

“ Well, a lot of people would say it's ridiculous to imagine the United States would either start something or stage something but - gee whiz! - Remember the Gulf of Tonkin! ”

- Art Bell

“ Our government, at least according to the NIGHTLINE program that ran, financed STAR GATE over 20 years with 20 million dollars or something like that, at the end of which they more or less declared it to be a failure, and stopped the program. ”

- Art Bell

“ I certainly believe that UFOs are really on occasion extraterrestrial craft visiting earth, so to me that means that our government, our military at some level they know they're here, and they're either frightened of them because they don't know, or they wish to figure a way to defend against them. ”

- Art Bell

“ The Australians have teleported a laser beam. ”

- Art Bell

“ I certainly believe that UFOs are really on occasion extraterrestrial craft visiting earth, so to me that means that our government, our military at some level they know they're here, and they're either frightened of them because they don't know, or they wish to figure a way to defend against them. ”

- Art Bell

“ Fear is a great motivator. ”

- Art Bell

“ Fear is a great motivator. Look at what 9-11 has accomplished - My god. It's slammed the economy, It's - I can't even begin to detail all it's actually done, other than bring down the buildings and hit the Pentagon. It's stunned the entire nation. ”

- Art Bell

“ Our government, at least according to the NIGHTLINE program that ran, financed STAR GATE over 20 years with 20 million dollars or something like that, at the end of which they more or less declared it to be a failure, and stopped the program. ”

- Art Bell

“ Well, a lot of people would say it's ridiculous to imagine the United States would either start something or stage something but - gee whiz! - Remember the Gulf of Tonkin! ”

- Art Bell

“ Our government, at least according to the NIGHTLINE program that ran, financed STAR GATE over 20 years with 20 million dollars or something like that, at the end of which they more or less declared it to be a failure, and stopped the program. ”

- Art Bell

“ Fear is a great motivator. Look at what 9-11 has accomplished - My god. It's slammed the economy, It's - I can't even begin to detail all it's actually done, other than bring down the buildings and hit the Pentagon. It's stunned the entire nation. ”

- Art Bell

“ Well, a lot of people would say it's ridiculous to imagine the United States would either start something or stage something but - gee whiz! - Remember the Gulf of Tonkin! ”

- Art Bell

“ I certainly believe that UFOs are really on occasion extraterrestrial craft visiting earth, so to me that means that our government, our military at some level they know they're here, and they're either frightened of them because they don't know, or they wish to figure a way to defend against them. ”

- Art Bell

“ Well, a lot of people would say it's ridiculous to imagine the United States would either start something or stage something but - gee whiz! - Remember the Gulf of Tonkin! ”

- Art Bell

“ I certainly believe that UFOs are really on occasion extraterrestrial craft visiting earth, so to me that means that our government, our military at some level they know they're here, and they're either frightened of them because they don't know, or they wish to figure a way to defend against them. ”

- Art Bell

“ Well, a lot of people would say it's ridiculous to imagine the United States would either start something or stage something but - gee whiz! - Remember the Gulf of Tonkin! ”

- Art Bell
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