Quotes of Tabloid - somelinesforyou

“ Then, in the twentieth century, speed up your camera. Books cut shorter. Condensations, Digests, Tabloids. Everything boils down to the gag, the snap ending. ”

- Ray Bradbury

“ I've finally learnt how to say, 'No comment'. To appear in the tabloids is a real learning curve and a steep one at that. You had better learn quick or you get burnt. ”

- Ben Affleck

“ First of all, tabloid stories are some of the richest and most important stories that we have. There's nothing wrong, per se, with tabloid stories. ”

- Errol Morris

“ I love the tabloids except for when I'm in 'em. ”

- Johnny Knoxville

“ There are 50 new tabloids every year, and I'm in them, and I read them, and I do stupid things. ”

- Pink

“ What happens is this sort of bleed-over from the tabloids across your movie work. You go to a movie, you only go once. But the tabloids and Internet are everywhere. You can really subsume the public image of somebody. ”

- Ben Affleck

“ I've never canceled a subscription to a newspaper because of bad cartoons or editorials. If that were the case, I wouldn't have any newspapers or magazines to read. ”

- Richard M. Nixon

“ I find that when you have a real interest in life and a curious life, that sleep is not the most important thing. ”

- Martha Stewart

“ All that stuff with the tabloids is a kind of luxury tax I pay for all the good things I do in my life. ”

- Ethan Hawke

“ My world. My rules. I would command everyone to do so many things! Be kind. Oh, I would command everyone to stop buying tabloids! ”

- Jennifer Aniston

“ You know criticism when you get into this business. You accept the bad with the good, the tabloids and the positive side of it. ”

- Carmen Electra

“ In the garden of tabloid delight, there is always a clean towel and another song. ”

- Lewis H. Lapham

“ The terror, which would not end for another 28 years-if it ever did end-began, so far as I know or can tell, with a boat made from a sheet of newspaper floating down a gutter swollen with rain. ”

- Stephen King

“ All I know is what I read in the papers. ”

- Will Rogers

“ All I know is what the words know, and dead things, and that makes a handsome little sum, with a beginning and a middle and an end, as in the well-built phrase and the long sonata of the dead. ”

- Samuel Beckett

“ The tabloids are like animals, with their own behavioural patterns. There's no point in complaining about them, any more than complaining that lions might eat you. ”

- David Mellor

“ The public have an insatiable curiosity to know everything. Except what is worth knowing. Journalism, conscious of this, and having tradesman-like habits, supplies their demands. ”

- Oscar Wilde

“ People who read the tabloids deserve to be lied to. ”

- Jerry Seinfeld

“ I really went back through a lot of the dark corridors of my life in this. I wanted people to know who I am based on my music, not on what they read in the tabloids. ”

- Lisa Marie Presley

“ There was a lot of tabloid journalism about my supposed sex addiction. Bullshit. It's all bullshit. I mean, come on, I never pretended to be a saint. But give me a break. ”

- Michael Douglas

“ I think people today are very cynical. They need to bring other people down. Reality television and tabloid magazines — never before did we need to see movie stars taking out their garbage. But all of a sudden, it's front-page news — trying to figure out who's dating whom, all that stuff… ”

- Scarlett Johansson

“ And in the Second World War, you didn't just read about it in the newspapers because you weren't allowed to read it in the newspapers. It was all censored, you know? So nobody knew what we were doing. ”

- Patrick Macnee

“ There's nothing wrong with tabloid stories, period. If you're a journalist — and I think, on some level, I'm a journalist, and proud to be a journalist, or a documentarian, however you want to describe it — part of what I do has to be the pursuit of the truth… ”

- Errol Morris

“ And the worst part is, in terms of what people see of me, I have become this girl who just loves to be photographed, doesn't know how to focus, doesn't know how to work on set, just loves the attention, knows how to go out at night, knows how to party… ”

- Lindsay Lohan

“ So I tracked him down and gave him a few suggestions about how to live life and stay healthy and he took my advice. Because that's just unacceptable. They can do anything they want to me — and most tabloids have — but not my kid, not my pure, innocent little baby… ”

- Johnny Depp

“ Then, in the twentieth century, speed up your camera. Books cut shorter. Condensations, Digests, Tabloids. Everything boils down to the gag, the snap ending. ”

- Ray Bradbury

“ I've finally learnt how to say, 'No comment'. To appear in the tabloids is a real learning curve and a steep one at that. You had better learn quick or you get burnt. ”

- Ben Affleck

“ First of all, tabloid stories are some of the richest and most important stories that we have. There's nothing wrong, per se, with tabloid stories. ”

- Errol Morris

“ I love the tabloids except for when I'm in 'em. ”

- Johnny Knoxville

“ There are 50 new tabloids every year, and I'm in them, and I read them, and I do stupid things. ”

- Pink
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