Quotes of Ethan Hawke - somelinesforyou

“ If you can channel the best part of you that is bigger than yourself, where it’s not about your ego and not about getting ahead, then you can have fun and you aren’t jealous of others. You see other people's talent as another branch of your own. You can keep it rooted in joy. Life is long and there are plenty of opportunities to make mistakes. The point of it all is to learn. ”

- Ethan Hawke

“ I kill flies, I eat meat, you know, whatever. ”

- Ethan Hawke

“ All that stuff with the tabloids is a kind of luxury tax I pay for all the good things I do in my life. ”

- Ethan Hawke

“ All that stuff with the tabloids is a kind of luxury tax I pay for all the good things I do in my life. ”

- Ethan Hawke

“ There's something at the root of our love-hate relationship with celebrity that I think has the makings, if you could do it in a really substantive way, of a great modern American novel. And it's something I know a lot about, and so I feel like that's the book that I should write. ”

- Ethan Hawke

“ There's something at the root of our love-hate relationship with celebrity that I think has the makings, if you could do it in a really substantive way, of a great modern American novel. And it's something I know a lot about, and so I feel like that's the book that I should write. ”

- Ethan Hawke

“ I kill flies, I eat meat, you know, whatever. ”

- Ethan Hawke

“ All that stuff with the tabloids is a kind of luxury tax I pay for all the good things I do in my life. ”

- Ethan Hawke

“ All that stuff with the tabloids is a kind of luxury tax I pay for all the good things I do in my life. ”

- Ethan Hawke

“ All that stuff with the tabloids is a kind of luxury tax I pay for all the good things I do in my life. ”

- Ethan Hawke
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