Quotes of Sausage - somelinesforyou

“ Laws are like sausages. It's better not to see them being made. ”

- Otto Von Bismarck

“ There is nothing so awkward as courting a woman whilst she is making sausages. ”

- Laurence Sterne

“ Think of the man who first tried German sausage. ”

- Jerome K. Jerome

“ A mighty good sausage stuffer was spoiled when the man became a poet. ”

- Eugene Field

“ That's called a microphone. It's a big sausage that picks up everything you say - and you're starting early. ”

- Prince of Wales Charles

“ As life's pleasures go, food is second only to sex. Except for salami and eggs. Now that's better than sex, but only if the salami is thickly sliced. ”

- Alan King

“ You don't want to examine the basis of your computer's morality any more than you want to see sausage being made. ”

- John McCarthy

“ Bologna is a deli meat for people with eyes. ”

- Mitch Hedberg

“ I'm a salami writer. I try to write good salami, but salami is salami. ”

- Stephen King

“ Smyrna, Rhodes, Colophon, Salamis, Chios, Argos, Athens — these seven cities contend as to being the birthplace of the illustrious Homer. ”

- Unknown

“ Benito Mussolini is being put through the grinder of a television biography and the result resembles Italian sausage-of the spicy variety. ”

- John J. O’Connor

“ You're going out on a dangerous limb, making healthy sausages. ”

- Stanley Hunt

“ A high-brow is someone who looks at a sausage and thinks of Picasso. ”

- A. P. Herbert

“ Litigation: A machine which you go into as a pig and come out of as a sausage. ”

- Ambrose Bierce

“ Lawsuit: A machine which you go into as a pig and come out of as a sausage. ”

- Ambrose Bierce

“ No atomic physicist has to worry, people will always want to kill other people on a mass scale. Sure, he's got the fridge full of sausages and spring water. ”

- William S. Burroughs

“ Never chain your dogs together with sausages. One must accustom one's self to be bored. ”

- Lady Bloomfield

“ Many men are like unto sausages: Whatever you stuff them with, that they will bear in them. ”

- Alexi Konstantinovich Tolstoy

“ Laws are like sausages. It is better not to see them being made. ”

- Otto Von Bismarck

“ A highbrow is the kind of person who looks at a sausage and thinks of Picasso. ”

- A. P. Herbert

“ To retain respect for sausages and laws, one must not watch them in the making. ”

- Otto Von Bismarck

“ Those that respect the law and love sausage should watch neither being made. ”

- Mark Twain

“ The Pig, if I am not mistaken, Supplies us sausage, ham, and Bacon. Let others say his heart is big, I think it stupid of the Pig. ”

- Ogden Nash

“ Lawsuit n. A machine which you go into as a pig and come out of as a sausage. ”

- Ambrose Bierce

“ When I get to Texas, I generally go and get some good brisket. And I'll get a selection of cabrito and lamb and some hot sausage. And a big slice of onion. And I'll sit down and have a good beer. Shiner. ”

- Rip Torn
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