Quotes of Reputable - somelinesforyou

“ If you can build a business up big enough, it's respectable. ”

- Will Rogers

“ I think the family is the place where the most ridiculous and least respectable things in the world go on. ”

- Ugo Betti

“ Virtue never has been as respectable as money. ”

- Mark Twain

“ Respectable Professors of the Dismal Science. ”

- Thomas Carlyle

“ There is no road too long to the man who advances deliberately and without undue haste; there are no honors too distant to the man who prepares himself for them with patience. ”

- Jean de la Bruyere

“ Conspicuous consumption of valuable goods is a means of reputability to the gentleman of leisure. ”

- Thorstein Veblen

“ Writers are not, by nature, respectable: their function is to be subversive. ”

- Anthony Burgess

“ The rich ate and drank freely, accepting gout and apoplexy as things that ran mysteriously in respectable families. ”

- George Eliot

“ The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectable. ”

- John Kenneth Galbraith

“ One may as well preach a respectable mythology as anything else. ”

- Mrs. Humphrey Ward

“ It is hardly respectable to be good nowadays. ”

- Edith Sitwell

“ When cowardice is made respectable, its followers are without number both from among the weak and the strong; it easily becomes a fashion. ”

- Eric Hoffer

“ If fortune wishes to make a man respectable, she gives him virtues; if she wishes to make him respected, she gives him success. ”

- Joseph Joubert

“ I have never understood disliking for war. It panders to instincts already catered for within the scope of any respectable domestic establishment. ”

- Alan Bennett

“ It showed a lot of character. Getting in late after an emotional win, we could have just made it respectable but we did our job and wanted to win and that showed. ”

- Jason Kidd

“ There exist only three respectable beings: the priest, the warrior, the poet. To know, to kill, and to create. ”

- Charles Baudelaire

“ I started out as an opportunistic renegade. By now, I've lasted long enough to become sort of an American Original Respectable Renegade. ”

- Wolfman Jack

“ To get back to my youth I would do anything in the world, except take exercise, get up early, or be respectable. ”

- Oscar Wilde

“ There is no road to wealth so easy and respectable as that of matrimony; that is, of course, provided that the aspirant declines the slow course of honest work. ”

- Anthony Trollope

“ It is a strange enterprise to make respectable people laugh. ”

- Moliere

“ If you wish at once to do nothing and be respectable nowadays, the best pretext is to be at work on some profound study. ”

- Leslie Stephen

“ There is no road to wealth so easy and respectable as that of matrimony. ”

- Anthony Trollope

“ I do not think that there is a reputable scientist on this planet who would advocate using this technology to generate a human child as was just announced. ”

- Robert Lanza

“ The more things a man is ashamed of, the more respectable he is. ”

- George Bernard Shaw

“ Men are respectable only as they respect. ”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

“ Since when was genius found respectable? ”

- Elizabeth Barrett Browning

“ It is respectable to have no illusions, and safe, and profitable and dull. ”

- Joseph Conrad

“ To get back my youth I would do anything in the world, except take exercise, get up early, or be respectable. ”

- Oscar Wilde

“ I don't know what a scoundrel is like, but I know what a respectable man is like, and it's enough to make one's flesh creep. ”

- Joseph De Maistre

“ No place in England where everyone can go, is considered respectable. ”

- George Moore
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