Quotes of Mrs. Humphrey Ward - somelinesforyou

“ The first law of story-telling. Every man is bound to leave a story better than he found it. ”

- Mrs. Humphrey Ward

“ One may as well preach a respectable mythology as anything else. ”

- Mrs. Humphrey Ward

“ One may as well preach a respectable mythology as anything else. ”

- Mrs. Humphrey Ward

“ One may as well preach a respectable mythology as anything else. ”

- Mrs. Humphrey Ward

“ One may as well preach a respectable mythology as anything else. ”

- Mrs. Humphrey Ward

“ One may as well preach a respectable mythology as anything else. ”

- Mrs. Humphrey Ward

“ The first law of story-telling. Every man is bound to leave a story better than he found it. ”

- Mrs. Humphrey Ward

“ One may as well preach a respectable mythology as anything else. ”

- Mrs. Humphrey Ward

“ One may as well preach a respectable mythology as anything else. ”

- Mrs. Humphrey Ward

“ One may as well preach a respectable mythology as anything else. ”

- Mrs. Humphrey Ward

“ The first law of story-telling. Every man is bound to leave a story better than he found it. ”

- Mrs. Humphrey Ward

“ One may as well preach a respectable mythology as anything else. ”

- Mrs. Humphrey Ward

“ One may as well preach a respectable mythology as anything else. ”

- Mrs. Humphrey Ward

“ The first law of story-telling. Every man is bound to leave a story better than he found it. ”

- Mrs. Humphrey Ward

“ One may as well preach a respectable mythology as anything else. ”

- Mrs. Humphrey Ward
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