Quotes of Narration - somelinesforyou

“ A man does not die for words. He dies for his relation to them. ”

- Robert Penn Warren

“ I would not know how I am supposed to feel about many stories if not for the fact that the TV news personalities make sad faces for sad stories and happy faces for happy stories. ”

- Dave Barry

“ Friends are God's apology for relations. ”

- Hugh Kingsmill

“ Was it a fact?... Or just a great new story about a celebrity that might help sell books? ”

- Brooks Robinson

“ Memory is the way we keep telling ourselves our stories - and telling other people a somewhat different version of our stories. ”

- Alice Munro

“ Sometimes I get the start of a story from a memory, an anecdote, but that gets lost and is usually unrecognizable in the final story. ”

- Alice Munro

“ I thought I wanted to be a playwright because I was interested in stories and telling stories. ”

- Francis Ford Coppola

“ It's disappointing that Mr. Sizemore has to use my name to sell his DVDs. He is not an acquaintance of mine nor have I ever had intimate relations with him. ”

- Paris Hilton

“ Within speech, words are subject to a kind of relation that is independent of the first and based on their linkage: these are syntagmatic relations, of which I have spoken. ”

- Ferdinand De Saussure

“ From Ernest Hemingway's stories, I learned to listen within my stories for what went unsaid by my characters. ”

- Nadine Gordimer

“ When you're telling a story, you've got to give details. ”

- Gao Xingjian

“ When I was a boy, unconsciously, spontaneously I learned the art of telling ironic stories. ”

- Dario Fo

“ First of all, tabloid stories are some of the richest and most important stories that we have. There's nothing wrong, per se, with tabloid stories. ”

- Errol Morris

“ Being an actor is an extension of telling a story and I loved story telling as a child. ”

- Amanda Burton

“ My proposal to re-establish diplomatic relations - not necessarily friendly relations, but diplomatic relations - is a sensible, simple, and straightforward approach that will finally get us off dead center. ”

- Cyrus Vance

“ Reagan was a statesman who, despite all disagreements that existed between our countries at the time, displayed foresight and determination to meet our proposals halfway and change our relations for the better, stop the nuclear race, start scrapping nuclear weapons, and arrange normal relations between our countries. ”

- Mikhail Gorbachev

“ In the past two decades, what is abnormal in the discourse among nations has been accepted as normal in US-Iran relations. Lack of diplomatic relations, often between countries at conflict, even at war, is the abnormality, not the norm. ”

- Cyrus Vance

“ Well, we think that time "passes," flows past us, but what if it is we who move forward, from past to future, always discovering the new? It would be a little like reading a book, you see. The book is all there, all at once, between its covers. But if you want to read the story and understand it, you must begin with the first page, and go forward, always in order… ”

- Ursula K. Le Guin

“ All the best stories in the world are but one story in reality — the story of escape. It is the only thing which interests us all and at all times, how to escape. ”

- Arthur Christopher Benson

“ A man does not die of love or his liver or even of old age; he dies of being a man. ”

- Percival Arland Ussher

“ It's a story of terrific heroism (with) many, many dramatic stories of individuals. ”

- Harold Evans

“ Strangely enough, I've always believed that my stories were mainstream stories; the films are narrated in a way that you never have a boring moment. ”

- Werner Herzog

“ A few years after my first son was born, he wanted to know how we chose his name, so I began reading him the story of Noah's Ark. ”

- Boris Becker

“ My closest relation is myself. ”

- Terence

“ He tells you stories, but then, after a while, when you want more, he doesn't give you more. He insists on this old elaboration, the old stories that never changes. ”

- Albert Finney

“ The thing about not reading scripts and my wanting a director to tell me a story is a risk I need to take. I need that real fear. ”

- Judi Dench

“ I love being part of a company, and telling a story. ”

- Judi Dench

“ Strong Canada-U.S. relations are a priority for my government. ”

- Stephen Harper

“ If the script is telling the story well, that is your inspiration, and you do not need to go somewhere else. ”

- Tom Wilkinson

“ Sometimes people get mad at The Simpsons' subversive story telling, but there's another message in there, which is a celebration of making wild, funny stories. ”

- Matt Groening
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