Quotes of Pentagon - somelinesforyou

“ Condoleezza Rice may come and visit Bucharest sometime at the beginning of December to sign a bilateral treaty regarding military facilities for the Pentagon in Romania. ”

- Traian Basescu

“ I think they have proven they aren't a rubber stamp for the Pentagon. ”

- John Thune

“ The Pentagon banned the army from using Chinese-made berets. In a more veiled slap at the Chinese, the Pentagon also banned any alternative form of checkers. ”

- Jimmy Fallon

“ The inside of the Pentagon is an incredible place and a dramatic set. We do outside, but the inside workings of the civilian oversight of the military inside the Pentagon is really about as exciting as anything you ever want to deal with. It is really amazing. ”

- Dennis Hopper

“ More has been screwed up on the battlefield and misunderstood in the Pentagon because of a lack of understanding of the English language than any other single factor. ”

- John W. Vessey Jr.

“ The Pentagon still has not given a name to the Iraqi war. Somehow 'Operation Re-elect Bush' doesn't seem to be popular. ”

- Jay Leno

“ Rumsfeld, because he's been in the Pentagon and is a rich and arrogant millionaire - he's going to get it done. ”

- David Hunt

“ I got a letter from the IRS. Apparently I owe them $800. So I sent them a letter back. I said, If you'll remember, I fastened my return with a paper clip, which according to your very own latest government pentagon spending figures will more than make up for the difference. ”

- Emo Philips

“ Some parts and some elements of the Pentagon Report are correct. For instance it is correct to state that the PRC (the People's Republic of China) appears focused on preventing Taiwan's independence and also to underline this statement by quoting the 'Anti-Secession Law of March 2005. ”

- Helmut Schmidt

“ I wanna' be able to count on the F-B-I not forgetting that they are the front line in the war against terrorism, to protect Americans, making sure the awful things that happened on September the 11th at the Pentagon or New York City don't happen again. ”

- Charles Grassley

“ If you want to humble an empire it makes sense to maim its cathedrals. They are symbols of its faith, and when they crumple and burn, it tells us we are not so powerful and we can't be safe. The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, planted at the base of Manhattan island with the Statue of Liberty as their sentry, and the Pentagon, a squat, concrete fort on the banks of the Potomac, are the sanctuaries of money and power that our enemies may imagine define us… ”

- Nancy Gibbs

“ Well, about five years ago, when I was invited to the Pentagon, they were still saying that, only 1.5% of the male pilots in the Air Force were black - and they still had a problem with some of the instructors saying blacks were not qualified to fly - blacks didn't have enough brains to fly… ”

- James Williams

“ Imagine a vast sheet of paper on which straight Lines, Triangles, Squares, Pentagons, Hexagons, and other figures, instead of remaining fixed in their places, move freely about, on or in the surface, but without the power of rising above or sinking below it, very much like shadows - only hard with luminous edges - and you will then have a pretty correct notion of my country and countrymen. ”

- Edwin Abbott Abbott

“ Neoconservatives and the Pentagon have good reason to fear the return of the Vietnam Syndrome. The label intentionally suggests a disease, a weakening of the martial will, but the syndrome was actually a healthy American reaction to false White House promises of victory, the propping up of corrupt regimes, crony contracting and cover-ups of civilian casualties during the Vietnam War that are echoed today in the news from Baghdad. ”

- Tom Hayden

“ The terrorist attacks of September 11th did far more than destroy the World Trade Center, damage the Pentagon, and leave a scar in the heartland of Pennsylvania.The terrorists struck at the heart of business and industry, and no industry was hit harder than the tourism industry, the lifeblood of Nevada. ”

- Kenny Guinn
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