Quotes of Pathetic - somelinesforyou

“ "Pathetic," he said. "That's what it is. Pathetic." "As I thought," he said, "no better from this side.". ”

- Eeyore

“ Michael Jackson's album was only called Bad because there wasn't enough room on the sleeve for Pathetic. ”

- Prince

“ To better understand why you need a personal computer, let's take a look at the pathetic mess you call your life. ”

- Dave Barry

“ I love romance. I'm a sucker for it. I love it so much. It's pathetic. ”

- Drew Barrymore

“ Not to sound too pathetic, but there have been long stretches where I haven't been able to get a job. ”

- David Caruso

“ Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance. ”

- H. L. Mencken

“ Anyone who thinks they're important is usually just a pompous moron who can't deal with his or her own pathetic insignificance and the fact that what they do is meaningless and inconsequential. ”

- William Thomas

“ I hate what I would call the whorish provoking of tears, and I hate feeling that I've been tricked into crying when I see a film. And I cry at the drop of a hat — pathetic! ”

- Kristin Scott Thomas

“ The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight, but has no vision. ”

- Helen Keller

“ To copy others is necessary, but to copy oneself is pathetic. ”

- Pablo Picasso

“ Hateful is the power, and pitiable is the life, of those who wish to be feared rather than loved. ”

- Cornelius Nepos

“ I will be gone, That pitiful rumor may report my flight To consolate thine ear. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ I will be gone:That pitiful rumour may report my flight,To coasolate thine ear. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ You are in a pitiable condition if you have to conceal what you wish to tell. ”

- Publilius Syrus

“ You never know when you are doing something that is affecting someone. ”

- Martin Sheen

“ Somebody has to do something, and it's just incredibly pathetic that it has to be us. ”

- Jerry Garcia

“ The pathetic almost always consists in the detail of little events. ”

- Edward Gibbon

“ Nothing is so abject and pathetic as a politician who has lost his job, save only a retired stud-horse. ”

- H. L. Mencken

“ Many possessions, if they do not make a man better, are at least expected to make his children happier; and this pathetic hope is behind many exertions. ”

- George Santayana

“ I know of nothing more despicable and pathetic than a man who devotes all the hours of the waking day to the making of money for money's sake. ”

- John D. Rockefeller

“ Everyone only goes around the track once in life, and if you don't enjoy that trip, it's pretty pathetic. ”

- Gary Rogers

“ Halloween must be a big night for you. Tossing eggs, keying cars, bobbing for apples. One pathetic cry for help after another. Well, not this year, missy. ”

- Principal Snyder

“ Some people are sympathetic; others are just pathetic. ”

- Peter Wastholm

“ Everything human is pathetic. The secret source of humor itself is not joy but sorrow. ”

- Mark Twain

“ Writers aren't people exactly. Or, if they're any good, they're a whole lot of people trying so hard to be one person. It's like actors, who try so pathetically not to look in mirrors. Who lean back ward trying — only to see their faces in the reflecting chandeliers. ”

- Francis Scott Fitzgerald

“ You never know when you read a script how it's going to turn out because so much depends on the collaboration between people. If I'd been in some of the movies I turned down, maybe they wouldn't have been a success. ”

- Molly Ringwald

“ The sumptuous age of stars and images is reduced to a few artificial tornado effects, pathetic fake buildings, and childish tricks which the crowd pretends to be taken in by to avoid feeling too disappointed. Ghost towns, ghost people. The whole place has the same air of obsolescence about it as Sunset or Hollywood Boulevard. ”

- Jean Baudrillard

“ The ingrained idea that, because there is no king and they despise titles, the Americans are a free people is pathetically untrue. There is a perpetual interference with personal liberty over there that would not be tolerated in England for a week. ”

- Margot Asquith

“ Hors d'oeuvres have always a pathetic interest for me; they remind me of one's childhood that one goes through wondering what the next course is going to be like — and during the rest of the menu one wishes one had eaten more of the hors d'oeuvres. ”

- Hector Hugh Munro

“ Flowers that are so pathetic in their beauty, frail as the clouds, and in their coloring as gorgeous as the heavens, had through thousands of years been the heritage of children — honored as the jewelry of God only by them — when suddenly the voice of Christianity, counter-signing the voice of infancy, raised them to a grandeur transcending the Hebrew throne, although founded by God himself, and pronounced Solomon in all his glory not to be arrayed like one of these. ”

- Thomas De Quincey
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