Quotes of Gary Rogers - somelinesforyou

“ Everyone only goes around the track once in life, and if you don't enjoy that trip, it's pretty pathetic. ”

- Gary Rogers

“ Harnessing and directing the innovation process to bring new ideas into production is the key enabler for competitive success in the North American automotive market. In the global marketplace, where engine concepts are increasingly complex and variable, innovative ideas and proven results are essential. ”

- Gary Rogers

“ It was quite amazing to see the ingenuity that was created by the Ansari X PRIZE for commercial space flight. We will be very interested to learn more about how the X PRIZE Foundation identifies areas where exceptional innovation can spark revolutionary change, especially in the automotive industry where hundreds of billions of dollars are invested in existing capital equipment and processes. ”

- Gary Rogers

“ Everyone only goes around the track once in life, and if you don't enjoy that trip, it's pretty pathetic. ”

- Gary Rogers

“ Everyone only goes around the track once in life, and if you don't enjoy that trip, it's pretty pathetic. ”

- Gary Rogers

“ It was quite amazing to see the ingenuity that was created by the Ansari X PRIZE for commercial space flight. We will be very interested to learn more about how the X PRIZE Foundation identifies areas where exceptional innovation can spark revolutionary change, especially in the automotive industry where hundreds of billions of dollars are invested in existing capital equipment and processes. ”

- Gary Rogers

“ Everyone only goes around the track once in life, and if you don't enjoy that trip, it's pretty pathetic. ”

- Gary Rogers

“ Everyone only goes around the track once in life, and if you don't enjoy that trip, it's pretty pathetic. ”

- Gary Rogers

“ Everyone only goes around the track once in life, and if you don't enjoy that trip, it's pretty pathetic. ”

- Gary Rogers
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