Quotes of January - somelinesforyou

“ On January 10, 1963, I was sworn in as a lawyer, so next January 10 I will have practiced law for 40 years, and I've loved every minute of it. ”

- Johnnie Cochran

“ Sharks are as tough as those football fans who take their shirts off during games in Chicago in January, only more intelligent. ”

- Dave Barry

“ No one ever regarded the First of January with indifference. It is that from which all date their time, and count upon what is left. It is the nativity of our common Adam. ”

- Charles Lamb

“ Economists predict that this year's federal surplus will be $120 billion less than predicted in January. The missing $120 billion was reportedly last seen on a date with Congressman Gary Condit. ”

- Dennis Miller

“ Between now and the time I'm sworn in January 2005, I'm going to use every day to make this president accountable for making a mockery of the words 'No Child Left Behind.'. ”

- John F. Kerry

“ October. This is one of the peculiarly dangerous months to speculate in stocks in. The others are July, January, September, April, November, May, March, June, December, August, and February. ”

- Mark Twain

“ January, month of empty pockets! Let us endure this evil month, anxious as a theatrical producer's forehead. ”

- Sidonie Gabrielle Colette

“ January gray is here, like a sexton by her grave; February bears the bier, march with grief doth howl and rave, and April weeps — but, O ye hours! Follow with May's fairest flowers. ”

- Percy Bysshe Shelley

“ October is one of the peculiarly dangerous months to speculate in stocks. Others are July, January, April, September, November, May, March, June, December, August and February. ”

- Mark Twain

“ The leaves hop, scraping on the ground. It is deep January. The sky is hard. The stalks are firmly rooted in ice. It is in this solitude, a syllable, Out of these gawky flitterings, Intones its single emptiness, The savagest hollow of winter-sound. ”

- Wallace Stevens

“ We spend January 1 walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched. Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives? not looking for flaws, but for potential. ”

- Ellen Goodman

“ I was in a zombie -like mode and I went through the motions up until January 1, 1980. And I knew I couldn't go through that anymore, so I called the guys together. I told 'em, I'm gonna still play some dates, but I'm not gonna do anything near like I did it before. ”

- Buck Owens

“ There was no imminent threat. This was made up in Texas, announced in January to the Republican leadership that war was going to take place and was going to be good politically. This whole thing was a fraud. ”

- Edward Kennedy

“ On January 28th, 2005, i was terminated from google. either directly or indirectly, my blog was the reason. this came as a great shock to me because two days ago we had looked at my blog and removed all inappropriate content. ”

- Mark Jen

“ As you may be aware, the No Child Left Behind Act was signed into law by the President on January 8, 2002. I was happy to support this bill, which was the result of months of intense bipartisan negotiations. This legislation sets the stage for a limited, but productive, role for the federal government in the education of our nation's children. ”

- Allen Boyd
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