Quotes of Rick Mercer - somelinesforyou

“ Health Canada reports that the infection rate for chlamydia in Saskatoon is twice the national average, making it the chlamydia capital of Canada. Montreal has vowed to get their title back. ”

- Rick Mercer

“ In the United States I have always believed that there was a big difference between Conservative and stupid. Boy is it getting harder to prove that one by the minute. ”

- Rick Mercer

“ We demand that the government of Canada force Stockwell Day to change his first name to Doris. Why do this, you may ask? Because it'll be fun. ”

- Rick Mercer

“ Jackie Biskupski is running for a seat in the Utah Legislature, and she's attracting a lot of attention because she's a lesbian. Her Republican opponent, Dan Alderson, is a staunch Mormon, and is running a negative ad campaign calling her lifestyle abnormal and deviant… ”

- Rick Mercer

“ Jackie Biskupski is running for a seat in the Utah Legislature, and she's attracting a lot of attention because she's a lesbian. Her Republican opponent, Dan Alderson, is a staunch Mormon, and is running a negative ad campaign calling her lifestyle abnormal and deviant… ”

- Rick Mercer

“ If the United States were a 35-year-old man, I think he'd be in a mental institution. Violent tendencies - delusions of grandeur - medicate heavily. ”

- Rick Mercer

“ In the United States I have always believed that there was a big difference between Conservative and stupid. Boy is it getting harder to prove that one by the minute. ”

- Rick Mercer

“ If the United States were a 35-year-old man, I think he'd be in a mental institution. Violent tendencies - delusions of grandeur - medicate heavily. ”

- Rick Mercer

“ If the United States were a 35-year-old man, I think he'd be in a mental institution. Violent tendencies - delusions of grandeur - medicate heavily. ”

- Rick Mercer

“ If the United States were a 35-year-old man, I think he'd be in a mental institution. Violent tendencies - delusions of grandeur - medicate heavily. ”

- Rick Mercer

“ Jackie Biskupski is running for a seat in the Utah Legislature, and she's attracting a lot of attention because she's a lesbian. Her Republican opponent, Dan Alderson, is a staunch Mormon, and is running a negative ad campaign calling her lifestyle abnormal and deviant… ”

- Rick Mercer

“ Jackie Biskupski is running for a seat in the Utah Legislature, and she's attracting a lot of attention because she's a lesbian. Her Republican opponent, Dan Alderson, is a staunch Mormon, and is running a negative ad campaign calling her lifestyle abnormal and deviant… ”

- Rick Mercer

“ If the United States were a 35-year-old man, I think he'd be in a mental institution. Violent tendencies - delusions of grandeur - medicate heavily. ”

- Rick Mercer

“ Jackie Biskupski is running for a seat in the Utah Legislature, and she's attracting a lot of attention because she's a lesbian. Her Republican opponent, Dan Alderson, is a staunch Mormon, and is running a negative ad campaign calling her lifestyle abnormal and deviant… ”

- Rick Mercer

“ The US is our ally, our trading partner, our neighbours and our friend, and sometimes we'd like to give them such a smack. ”

- Rick Mercer

“ Jackie Biskupski is running for a seat in the Utah Legislature, and she's attracting a lot of attention because she's a lesbian. Her Republican opponent, Dan Alderson, is a staunch Mormon, and is running a negative ad campaign calling her lifestyle abnormal and deviant… ”

- Rick Mercer

“ Jackie Biskupski is running for a seat in the Utah Legislature, and she's attracting a lot of attention because she's a lesbian. Her Republican opponent, Dan Alderson, is a staunch Mormon, and is running a negative ad campaign calling her lifestyle abnormal and deviant… ”

- Rick Mercer

“ The US is our ally, our trading partner, our neighbours and our friend, and sometimes we'd like to give them such a smack. ”

- Rick Mercer

“ Jackie Biskupski is running for a seat in the Utah Legislature, and she's attracting a lot of attention because she's a lesbian. Her Republican opponent, Dan Alderson, is a staunch Mormon, and is running a negative ad campaign calling her lifestyle abnormal and deviant… ”

- Rick Mercer

“ Jackie Biskupski is running for a seat in the Utah Legislature, and she's attracting a lot of attention because she's a lesbian. Her Republican opponent, Dan Alderson, is a staunch Mormon, and is running a negative ad campaign calling her lifestyle abnormal and deviant… ”

- Rick Mercer

“ The US is our ally, our trading partner, our neighbours and our friend, and sometimes we'd like to give them such a smack. ”

- Rick Mercer

“ In the United States I have always believed that there was a big difference between Conservative and stupid. Boy is it getting harder to prove that one by the minute. ”

- Rick Mercer

“ Jackie Biskupski is running for a seat in the Utah Legislature, and she's attracting a lot of attention because she's a lesbian. Her Republican opponent, Dan Alderson, is a staunch Mormon, and is running a negative ad campaign calling her lifestyle abnormal and deviant… ”

- Rick Mercer

“ If the United States were a 35-year-old man, I think he'd be in a mental institution. Violent tendencies - delusions of grandeur - medicate heavily. ”

- Rick Mercer

“ If the United States were a 35-year-old man, I think he'd be in a mental institution. Violent tendencies - delusions of grandeur - medicate heavily. ”

- Rick Mercer

“ The US is our ally, our trading partner, our neighbours and our friend, and sometimes we'd like to give them such a smack. ”

- Rick Mercer

“ If the United States were a 35-year-old man, I think he'd be in a mental institution. Violent tendencies - delusions of grandeur - medicate heavily. ”

- Rick Mercer

“ The US is our ally, our trading partner, our neighbours and our friend, and sometimes we'd like to give them such a smack. ”

- Rick Mercer

“ If the United States were a 35-year-old man, I think he'd be in a mental institution. Violent tendencies - delusions of grandeur - medicate heavily. ”

- Rick Mercer

“ In the United States I have always believed that there was a big difference between Conservative and stupid. Boy is it getting harder to prove that one by the minute. ”

- Rick Mercer
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