Quotes of Trading - somelinesforyou

“ I refuse to believe that trading recipes is silly. Tunafish casserole is at least as real as corporate stock. ”

- Barbara Grizzuti Harrison

“ Funny, but after trading for more than 15 years, I still am capable of forgetting a cardinal rule: The paper you own, in the end, will be intertwined with the fate of the 30-year bond. ”

- James Cramer

“ The $864 billion Republican tax cut is a destructive plan that will eat the surplus alive and suck the VA dry. They are trading veterans for votes and it is shameful. ”

- Lane Evans

“ The US is our ally, our trading partner, our neighbours and our friend, and sometimes we'd like to give them such a smack. ”

- Rick Mercer

“ Are we all clear that we want to build something that can aspire to be a world power - not just a trading bloc, but a political entity? ”

- Romano Prodi

“ It's no coincidence that three of the top five stock option traders in a recent trading contest were all ex-Marines. ”

- Robert Prechter Jr.

“ The massive inefficiencies of industrialism are not more apparent because they are masked by a financial system that gives improper information. ”

- Paul Hawken

“ This is an example of the resiliency of the market, of what has driven stocks higher for months. You've got PPI, GE, not so great, but they find a positive angle and take the market up. ”

- John Hughes

“ We must uphold the promise of Roosevelt, Truman, Kennedy, Johnson, Carter, and Clinton and never allow the President and his Republican friends to threaten Social Security by putting it on the Wall Street trading block. ”

- John Kerry

“ Few influential people involved with the Internet claim that it is a good in and of itself. It is a powerful tool for solving social problems, just as it is a tool for making money, finding lost relatives, receiving medical advice, or, come to that, trading instructions for making bombs. ”

- Esther Dyson

“ I refuse to believe that trading recipes is silly. Tunafish casserole is at least as real as corporate stock. ”

- Barbara Grizzuti Harrison

“ Funny, but after trading for more than 15 years, I still am capable of forgetting a cardinal rule: The paper you own, in the end, will be intertwined with the fate of the 30-year bond. ”

- James Cramer

“ The $864 billion Republican tax cut is a destructive plan that will eat the surplus alive and suck the VA dry. They are trading veterans for votes and it is shameful. ”

- Lane Evans

“ The US is our ally, our trading partner, our neighbours and our friend, and sometimes we'd like to give them such a smack. ”

- Rick Mercer

“ Are we all clear that we want to build something that can aspire to be a world power - not just a trading bloc, but a political entity? ”

- Romano Prodi

“ It's no coincidence that three of the top five stock option traders in a recent trading contest were all ex-Marines. ”

- Robert Prechter Jr.

“ The massive inefficiencies of industrialism are not more apparent because they are masked by a financial system that gives improper information. ”

- Paul Hawken

“ This is an example of the resiliency of the market, of what has driven stocks higher for months. You've got PPI, GE, not so great, but they find a positive angle and take the market up. ”

- John Hughes

“ We must uphold the promise of Roosevelt, Truman, Kennedy, Johnson, Carter, and Clinton and never allow the President and his Republican friends to threaten Social Security by putting it on the Wall Street trading block. ”

- John Kerry

“ Few influential people involved with the Internet claim that it is a good in and of itself. It is a powerful tool for solving social problems, just as it is a tool for making money, finding lost relatives, receiving medical advice, or, come to that, trading instructions for making bombs. ”

- Esther Dyson
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