Quotes of Richard Helms - somelinesforyou

“ I've always believed that good writing comes from experience. I have been approached by a number of younger students, people in their twenties, who have asked 'Where do you get your ideas?'. Of course, ideas are all around us - in the morning paper, the weekly news, even overheard in crowded restaurants, courtrooms, and sports arenas… ”

- Richard Helms

“ I had seen so many injustices done in the court by well-meaning people. I had lost fourteen clients to gang violence in only seven years. I was angry at a system I thought had failed my clients, and I was part of it. ”

- Richard Helms

“ It was my angry, Dickensian novel, I suppose. It was cathartic - I expended a lot of frustration on that one. ”

- Richard Helms

“ The real problem is arranging that experience in a way that tells a story, which is just incredible enough to be interesting, but credible enough to be believed. ”

- Richard Helms

“ I've always believed that good writing comes from experience. I have been approached by a number of younger students, people in their twenties, who have asked 'Where do you get your ideas?'. Of course, ideas are all around us - in the morning paper, the weekly news, even overheard in crowded restaurants, courtrooms, and sports arenas… ”

- Richard Helms

“ I had seen so many injustices done in the court by well-meaning people. I had lost fourteen clients to gang violence in only seven years. I was angry at a system I thought had failed my clients, and I was part of it. ”

- Richard Helms

“ The simple things, like how to hang a sentence together, how to write dialogue that keeps the story moving - all of these had to be learned. In addition, it was during these years that I was growing a life from which I could derive the basic ingredients of a good story… ”

- Richard Helms

“ The simple things, like how to hang a sentence together, how to write dialogue that keeps the story moving - all of these had to be learned. In addition, it was during these years that I was growing a life from which I could derive the basic ingredients of a good story… ”

- Richard Helms

“ It was exciting and it featured a romantic antagonist, an offbeat protagonist, and a whopper of an ending. ”

- Richard Helms

“ It was exciting and it featured a romantic antagonist, an offbeat protagonist, and a whopper of an ending. ”

- Richard Helms

“ It was my angry, Dickensian novel, I suppose. It was cathartic - I expended a lot of frustration on that one. ”

- Richard Helms

“ I just couldn't finish anything. I wrote a lot of first chapters, but the desire to push it through to completion just wasn't there. Instead, I focused on the other parts of my life. Elaine and I had two children, I was racing a lot, and I was working on becoming a good forensic psychologist. ”

- Richard Helms

“ It was my angry, Dickensian novel, I suppose. It was cathartic - I expended a lot of frustration on that one. ”

- Richard Helms

“ As soon as I finished the first book, I wrote a second, which I hope to sell this year, and I have just about finished the third book in the series. Two more are already outlined. I'm in this for the long haul. ”

- Richard Helms

“ It was exciting and it featured a romantic antagonist, an offbeat protagonist, and a whopper of an ending. ”

- Richard Helms

“ I had seen so many injustices done in the court by well-meaning people. I had lost fourteen clients to gang violence in only seven years. I was angry at a system I thought had failed my clients, and I was part of it. ”

- Richard Helms

“ I just couldn't finish anything. I wrote a lot of first chapters, but the desire to push it through to completion just wasn't there. Instead, I focused on the other parts of my life. Elaine and I had two children, I was racing a lot, and I was working on becoming a good forensic psychologist. ”

- Richard Helms

“ I had seen so many injustices done in the court by well-meaning people. I had lost fourteen clients to gang violence in only seven years. I was angry at a system I thought had failed my clients, and I was part of it. ”

- Richard Helms

“ The simple things, like how to hang a sentence together, how to write dialogue that keeps the story moving - all of these had to be learned. In addition, it was during these years that I was growing a life from which I could derive the basic ingredients of a good story… ”

- Richard Helms

“ As soon as I finished the first book, I wrote a second, which I hope to sell this year, and I have just about finished the third book in the series. Two more are already outlined. I'm in this for the long haul. ”

- Richard Helms

“ The real problem is arranging that experience in a way that tells a story, which is just incredible enough to be interesting, but credible enough to be believed. ”

- Richard Helms

“ I had seen so many injustices done in the court by well-meaning people. I had lost fourteen clients to gang violence in only seven years. I was angry at a system I thought had failed my clients, and I was part of it. ”

- Richard Helms

“ The real problem is arranging that experience in a way that tells a story, which is just incredible enough to be interesting, but credible enough to be believed. ”

- Richard Helms

“ The simple things, like how to hang a sentence together, how to write dialogue that keeps the story moving - all of these had to be learned. In addition, it was during these years that I was growing a life from which I could derive the basic ingredients of a good story… ”

- Richard Helms

“ I just couldn't finish anything. I wrote a lot of first chapters, but the desire to push it through to completion just wasn't there. Instead, I focused on the other parts of my life. Elaine and I had two children, I was racing a lot, and I was working on becoming a good forensic psychologist. ”

- Richard Helms

“ It was my angry, Dickensian novel, I suppose. It was cathartic - I expended a lot of frustration on that one. ”

- Richard Helms

“ As soon as I finished the first book, I wrote a second, which I hope to sell this year, and I have just about finished the third book in the series. Two more are already outlined. I'm in this for the long haul. ”

- Richard Helms

“ It was exciting and it featured a romantic antagonist, an offbeat protagonist, and a whopper of an ending. ”

- Richard Helms

“ It was exciting and it featured a romantic antagonist, an offbeat protagonist, and a whopper of an ending. ”

- Richard Helms

“ I've always believed that good writing comes from experience. I have been approached by a number of younger students, people in their twenties, who have asked 'Where do you get your ideas?'. Of course, ideas are all around us - in the morning paper, the weekly news, even overheard in crowded restaurants, courtrooms, and sports arenas… ”

- Richard Helms
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