Quotes of Protagonist - somelinesforyou

“ Once a newspaper touches a story, the facts are lost forever, even to the protagonists. ”

- Norman Mailer

“ It was exciting and it featured a romantic antagonist, an offbeat protagonist, and a whopper of an ending. ”

- Richard Helms

“ A man's death makes everything certain about him. Of course, secrets may die with him. And of course, a hundred years later somebody looking through some papers may discover a fact which throws a totally different light on his life and of which all the people who attended his funeral were ignorant… ”

- John Berger

“ Gonzo journalism is a style of "reporting" based on William Faulkner's idea that the best fiction is far more true than any kind of journalism — and the best journalists have always known this. True gonzo reporting needs the talents of a master journalist, the eye of an artist/photographer and the heavy balls of an actor… ”

- Hunter S. Thompson

“ I originally had an idea about a family of people who were homeless, just traveling around without any solid roots or any home, who made their way around working wherever they could. I started it with them. The idea of Joe as a protagonist came along a little later. ”

- Larry Brown
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