Quotes of Ingredient - somelinesforyou

“ Human happiness seems to consist in three ingredients; action, pleasure and indolence. And though these ingredients ought to be mixed in different proportions, according to the disposition of the person, yet no one ingredient can be entirely wanting without destroying in some measure the relish of the whole composition… ”

- David Hume

“ Political extremism involves two prime ingredients: an excessively simple diagnosis of the world's ills, and a conviction that there are identifiable villains back of it all. ”

- Johannes A. Gaertner

“ Not all chemicals are bad. Without chemicals such as hydrogen and oxygen, for example, there would be no way to make water, a vital ingredient in beer. ”

- Dave Barry

“ To bathe a cat takes brute force, perseverance, courage of conviction - and a cat. The last ingredient is usually hardest to come by. ”

- Stephen Baker

“ A rich man cannot enjoy a sound mind nor a sound body without exercise and abstinence; and yet these are truly the worst ingredients of poverty. ”

- Henry Home

“ The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people. ”

- Theodore Roosevelt

“ The human contribution is the essential ingredient. It is only in the giving of oneself to others that we truly live. ”

- Ethel Percy Andrus

“ The first ingredient in conversation is truth, the next good sense, the third good humor, and the fourth wit. ”

- Sir William Temple

“ The essential ingredient in politics is timing. ”

- Pierre Elliott Trudeau

“ I'm for ethanol, and I think it's a very important partial ingredient of the overall mix of alternative and renewable fuels we ought to commit to. ”

- John F. Kerry

“ Technology should be an important ingredient. It may be and should be a tool for social development. ”

- Aleksander Kaasniewski

“ Analyzing what you haven't got as well as what you have is a necessary ingredient of a career. ”

- Orison S. Marden

“ Analyzing what you haven't got as well as what you have is a necessary ingredient of a career. ”

- Orison S. Marden

“ You know, making a movie is a collaborative effort and sometimes all the ingredients don't work out. I know that every now and again I am going to make a movie that won't work. ”

- Eddie Murphy

“ Adventure can be an end in itself. Self-discovery is the secret ingredient that fuels daring. ”

- Grace Lichtenstein

“ Why did O. J. Simpson want to move to Arkansas? Everyone has the same DNA! ”

- Unknown

“ Time itself is an element. ”

- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“ Time itself is an element. ”

- Johann von Goethe

“ Envy, among other ingredients, has a mixture of the love of justice in it. We are more angry at undeserved than at deserved good fortune. ”

- William Hazlitt

“ There are three ingredients to the good life; learning, earning, and yearning. ”

- Christopher Morley

“ I have heard it said that the first ingredient of success - the earliest spark in the dreaming youth - is this: dream a great dream. ”

- John Alan Appleman

“ The ingredients of health and long life, are great temperance, open air, easy labor, and little care. ”

- Sir Philip Sidney

“ I no longer prepare food or drink with more than one ingredient. ”

- Cyra McFadden

“ I think God is as much a basic ingredient in the universe as neutrons and positrons. This is the prime force, when we look around the universe. ”

- Gene Roddenberry

“ Just being honest is not enough. The essential ingredient is executive integrity. ”

- Philip Crosby

“ Love is this divine ingredient. It alone describes what can be our perfect relationship to our Heavenly Father and our family and neighbors, and the means by which we accomplish His work. ”

- David B. Haight

“ Absence is one of the most useful ingredients of family life, and to dose it rightly is an art like any other. ”

- Freya Madeline Stark

“ Analyzing what you haven't got as well as what you have is a necessary ingredient of a career. ”

- Grace Moore

“ Cheerfulness, sir, is the principle ingredient in the composition of health. ”

- Arthur Murphy

“ Continuity of purpose is one of the most essential ingredients of happiness in the long run, and for most men this comes chiefly through their work. ”

- Bertrand Russell
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