Quotes of Max Walker - somelinesforyou

“ I used to want to be a Lawyer, but I didn't want to have half my brain sucked out. ”

- Max Walker

“ We're all crazy and the only difference between patients and their therapists is the therapists haven't been caught yet. ”

- Max Walker

“ I used to want to be a Lawyer, but I didn't want to have half my brain sucked out. ”

- Max Walker

“ We're all crazy and the only difference between patients and their therapists is the therapists haven't been caught yet. ”

- Max Walker

“ We're all crazy and the only difference between patients and their therapists is the therapists haven't been caught yet. ”

- Max Walker

“ We're all crazy and the only difference between patients and their therapists is the therapists haven't been caught yet. ”

- Max Walker

“ We're all crazy and the only difference between patients and their therapists is the therapists haven't been caught yet. ”

- Max Walker

“ I used to want to be a Lawyer, but I didn't want to have half my brain sucked out. ”

- Max Walker
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