Quotes of Karen Carpenter - somelinesforyou

“ I'm just afraid I'm gonna miss it all… being married… being a mother. ”

- Karen Carpenter

“ The biggest issue with lung cancer, as we know, is that smoking is the number one cause of lung cancer. Without a doubt, 85 percent of all lung cancer deaths are caused from smoking. ”

- Karen Carpenter

“ That is why, all the girls in town / Follow you / All around / Just like me / They long to be / Close to you / On the day that you were born the angels got together / And decided to create a dream come true / So they sprinkled moon dust in your hair and golden starlight in your eyes of blue. ”

- Karen Carpenter

“ It's kinda nice to be remembered by your peers and your fans, because you can achieve a lot of success and be a creep too! But we try to be nice, just normal people. ”

- Karen Carpenter

“ We came out right in the middle of the hard-rock period… it was hard-rock everywhere! But we were ready to make our music, you know? And it was such a turnaround, I guess it caught people by surprise. ”

- Karen Carpenter

“ While Richard was listening to music in the basement, I was out playing baseball and football, and playing with my machine gun! I was very tomboyish, quite a character, I hear! ”

- Karen Carpenter

“ Our first single, 'Ticket To Ride', was a kind of half-hit, half flop: in some places it was number one, in others it was ash-tray material. ”

- Karen Carpenter

“ It's kinda nice to be remembered by your peers and your fans, because you can achieve a lot of success and be a creep too! But we try to be nice, just normal people. ”

- Karen Carpenter

“ We came out right in the middle of the hard-rock period… it was hard-rock everywhere! But we were ready to make our music, you know? And it was such a turnaround, I guess it caught people by surprise. ”

- Karen Carpenter

“ While Richard was listening to music in the basement, I was out playing baseball and football, and playing with my machine gun! I was very tomboyish, quite a character, I hear! ”

- Karen Carpenter

“ I'm just afraid I'm gonna miss it all… being married… being a mother. ”

- Karen Carpenter

“ Our first single, 'Ticket To Ride', was a kind of half-hit, half flop: in some places it was number one, in others it was ash-tray material. ”

- Karen Carpenter

“ It's kinda nice to be remembered by your peers and your fans, because you can achieve a lot of success and be a creep too! But we try to be nice, just normal people. ”

- Karen Carpenter

“ I remember thinking back then, 'Oh God, if we don't get a hit by the time I'm 20 I have to kill myself!' Well, we JUST made it, because it came out in late May, right after I turned 20, and within 6 weeks it was number one. ”

- Karen Carpenter

“ I'm just afraid I'm gonna miss it all… being married… being a mother. ”

- Karen Carpenter

“ I'm just afraid I'm gonna miss it all… being married… being a mother. ”

- Karen Carpenter

“ Our first single, 'Ticket To Ride', was a kind of half-hit, half flop: in some places it was number one, in others it was ash-tray material. ”

- Karen Carpenter

“ It's kinda nice to be remembered by your peers and your fans, because you can achieve a lot of success and be a creep too! But we try to be nice, just normal people. ”

- Karen Carpenter

“ While Richard was listening to music in the basement, I was out playing baseball and football, and playing with my machine gun! I was very tomboyish, quite a character, I hear! ”

- Karen Carpenter

“ It's kinda nice to be remembered by your peers and your fans, because you can achieve a lot of success and be a creep too! But we try to be nice, just normal people. ”

- Karen Carpenter

“ We came out right in the middle of the hard-rock period… it was hard-rock everywhere! But we were ready to make our music, you know? And it was such a turnaround, I guess it caught people by surprise. ”

- Karen Carpenter

“ Our first single, 'Ticket To Ride', was a kind of half-hit, half flop: in some places it was number one, in others it was ash-tray material. ”

- Karen Carpenter

“ While Richard was listening to music in the basement, I was out playing baseball and football, and playing with my machine gun! I was very tomboyish, quite a character, I hear! ”

- Karen Carpenter

“ We came out right in the middle of the hard-rock period… it was hard-rock everywhere! But we were ready to make our music, you know? And it was such a turnaround, I guess it caught people by surprise. ”

- Karen Carpenter

“ We came out right in the middle of the hard-rock period… it was hard-rock everywhere! But we were ready to make our music, you know? And it was such a turnaround, I guess it caught people by surprise. ”

- Karen Carpenter

“ Our first single, 'Ticket To Ride', was a kind of half-hit, half flop: in some places it was number one, in others it was ash-tray material. ”

- Karen Carpenter

“ Our first single, 'Ticket To Ride', was a kind of half-hit, half flop: in some places it was number one, in others it was ash-tray material. ”

- Karen Carpenter

“ I remember thinking back then, 'Oh God, if we don't get a hit by the time I'm 20 I have to kill myself!' Well, we JUST made it, because it came out in late May, right after I turned 20, and within 6 weeks it was number one. ”

- Karen Carpenter
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