Quotes of Turnaround - somelinesforyou

“ H-P was in the dog house and in the 'show-me mode,' and it's really starting to show. I felt that after speaking with management and seeing some results that we were early on in the turnaround cycle. ”

- Chuck Jones

“ In certain situations we'd be down and the competitor in me would want to get it all back in one play. That impatience makes for bad plays, mistakes, and turnarounds. ”

- Browning Nagle

“ I don't know if it's how I speak or what it is about me that presents that sort of label, but I don't know how many times I have to be out in public with a girlfriend to stop that from being said. ”

- Jeff Garcia

“ We came out right in the middle of the hard-rock period… it was hard-rock everywhere! But we were ready to make our music, you know? And it was such a turnaround, I guess it caught people by surprise. ”

- Karen Carpenter

“ I think a lot of players from the USA could come to the premiership. They started there with a blank piece of paper, and have got it right. They have more kids playing Soccer, as they call it over there, than any other sport, but the major league soccer, will find it hard to compete with the likes of American Football, Basketball and Baseball. ”

- Richard Gough
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