Quotes of Jack Gould - somelinesforyou

“ One does not allow the plumbers to decide the temperature, depth and timing of a bath. ”

- Jack Gould

“ In a Republican district I was a Republican. In a Democratic district I was a Democrat. And in a doubtful district, I was Doubtful. But I was always for Erie. ”

- Jack Gould

“ One does not allow the plumbers to decide the temperature, depth and timing of a bath. ”

- Jack Gould

“ One does not allow the plumbers to decide the temperature, depth and timing of a bath. ”

- Jack Gould

“ They've just gone berserk. It's in the public interest to know where these large amounts of money are coming from. ”

- Jack Gould

“ In a Republican district I was a Republican. In a Democratic district I was a Democrat. And in a doubtful district, I was Doubtful. But I was always for Erie. ”

- Jack Gould

“ This idea that privilege comes with position is something that's terribly antiquated and doesn't belong in a democracy. These are elected officials who chose to serve the public, and the idea of serving the public doesn't include taking gifts from someone who obviously wants something in return. ”

- Jack Gould

“ One does not allow the plumbers to decide the temperature, depth and timing of a bath. ”

- Jack Gould

“ In a Republican district I was a Republican. In a Democratic district I was a Democrat. And in a doubtful district, I was Doubtful. But I was always for Erie. ”

- Jack Gould

“ In a Republican district I was a Republican. In a Democratic district I was a Democrat. And in a doubtful district, I was Doubtful. But I was always for Erie. ”

- Jack Gould

“ This idea that privilege comes with position is something that's terribly antiquated and doesn't belong in a democracy. These are elected officials who chose to serve the public, and the idea of serving the public doesn't include taking gifts from someone who obviously wants something in return. ”

- Jack Gould

“ In a Republican district I was a Republican. In a Democratic district I was a Democrat. And in a doubtful district, I was Doubtful. But I was always for Erie. ”

- Jack Gould

“ One does not allow the plumbers to decide the temperature, depth and timing of a bath. ”

- Jack Gould

“ One does not allow the plumbers to decide the temperature, depth and timing of a bath. ”

- Jack Gould

“ In a Republican district I was a Republican. In a Democratic district I was a Democrat. And in a doubtful district, I was Doubtful. But I was always for Erie. ”

- Jack Gould
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