Quotes of Temperature - somelinesforyou

“ It doesn't make a difference what temperature a room is, it's always room temperature. ”

- Steven Wright

“ The siren south is well enough, but New York, at the beginning of March, is a hoyden we would not care to miss-a drafty wench, her temperature up and down, full of bold promises and dust in the eye. ”

- E. B. White

“ The number of agency people required to shoot a commercial on location is in direct proportion to the mean temperature of the location. ”

- Shelby Page

“ A father's words are like a thermostat that sets the temperature in the house. ”

- Paul Lewis

“ One does not allow the plumbers to decide the temperature, depth and timing of a bath. ”

- Jack Gould

“ A Harvard Medical School study has determined that rectal thermometers are still the best way to tell a baby's temperature. Plus, it really teaches the baby who's boss. ”

- Tina Fey

“ Well we can try to measure democracy, just as you measure temperature with a thermometer, or pressure with a barometer. ”

- Hugo Chavez

“ Friends are the thermometer by which we may judge the temperature of our fortunes. ”

- Marguerite Gardiner

“ Forgiveness is an act of the will, and the will can function regardless of the temperature of the heart. ”

- Corrie ten Boom

“ You know my temperature's risin', The Jukebox's blowin' a fuse, My heart's beatin' rhythm, My soul keeps a singin' the blues - Roll over Beethove. ”

- Chuck Berry

“ Under the most rigorously controlled conditions of pressure, temperature, volume, humidity, and other variables, the organism will do as it damn well pleases. ”

- Unknown

“ Next to reasoning, the greatest handicap to the optimum development of Man lies in the fact that this planet is just barely habitable. Its minimum temperatures are too low, and its maximum temperatures too high. Its day is not long enough, and its night is too long… ”

- James Thurber

“ All my feather stuff is in L.A. at a temperature-controlled stage-storage place. I keep all my good stuff there because if I had it all in my house, I wouldn't have any room for my regular clothes. It has to, like, not live here. ”

- Stevie Nicks

“ The seeing of objects involves many sources of information beyond those meeting the eye when we look at an object. It generally involves knowledge of the object derived from previous experience, and this experience is not limited to vision but may include the other senses: touch, taste, smell, hearing, and perhaps also temperature or pain. ”

- R. L. Gregory

“ It was said that boys should go on their first sea voyage at the age of ten, but surely this notion was never put forth by anyone's mother. If the bay were to be raised one degree in temperature for every woman who had lost the man or child she loved at sea, the water would have boiled, throwing off steam even in the dead of winter, poaching the bluefish and herings as they swam. ”

- Alice Hoffman
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