Quotes of Edgar D. Powell - somelinesforyou

“ No organization is stronger than the quality of its leadership, or ever extends its constituency far beyond the degree to which its leadership is representative. ”

- Edgar D. Powell

“ Individual volunteers are an important basic in the institutional scheme of things… Adequately qualified Fundraising volunteers are a precious commodity. ”

- Edgar D. Powell

“ Fundraising opportunities will continue to exist throughout the next century. Those opportunities will equal or exceed all current experience or presently held future expectations. ”

- Edgar D. Powell

“ Fundraising opportunities will continue to exist throughout the next century. Those opportunities will equal or exceed all current experience or presently held future expectations. ”

- Edgar D. Powell

“ Fundraising opportunities will continue to exist throughout the next century. Those opportunities will equal or exceed all current experience or presently held future expectations. ”

- Edgar D. Powell

“ No organization is stronger than the quality of its leadership, or ever extends its constituency far beyond the degree to which its leadership is representative. ”

- Edgar D. Powell

“ No organization is stronger than the quality of its leadership, or ever extends its constituency far beyond the degree to which its leadership is representative. ”

- Edgar D. Powell

“ No organization is stronger than the quality of its leadership, or ever extends its constituency far beyond the degree to which its leadership is representative. ”

- Edgar D. Powell

“ Fundraising opportunities will continue to exist throughout the next century. Those opportunities will equal or exceed all current experience or presently held future expectations. ”

- Edgar D. Powell

“ Fundraising opportunities will continue to exist throughout the next century. Those opportunities will equal or exceed all current experience or presently held future expectations. ”

- Edgar D. Powell

“ Fundraising opportunities will continue to exist throughout the next century. Those opportunities will equal or exceed all current experience or presently held future expectations. ”

- Edgar D. Powell

“ Fundraising opportunities will continue to exist throughout the next century. Those opportunities will equal or exceed all current experience or presently held future expectations. ”

- Edgar D. Powell

“ Fundraising is not an event; it is a process. ”

- Edgar D. Powell

“ Fundraising opportunities will continue to exist throughout the next century. Those opportunities will equal or exceed all current experience or presently held future expectations. ”

- Edgar D. Powell

“ Fundraising opportunities will continue to exist throughout the next century. Those opportunities will equal or exceed all current experience or presently held future expectations. ”

- Edgar D. Powell

“ Individual volunteers are an important basic in the institutional scheme of things… Adequately qualified Fundraising volunteers are a precious commodity. ”

- Edgar D. Powell

“ No organization is stronger than the quality of its leadership, or ever extends its constituency far beyond the degree to which its leadership is representative. ”

- Edgar D. Powell

“ No organization is stronger than the quality of its leadership, or ever extends its constituency far beyond the degree to which its leadership is representative. ”

- Edgar D. Powell

“ Fundraising opportunities will continue to exist throughout the next century. Those opportunities will equal or exceed all current experience or presently held future expectations. ”

- Edgar D. Powell

“ Fundraising is not an event; it is a process. ”

- Edgar D. Powell

“ Individual volunteers are an important basic in the institutional scheme of things… Adequately qualified Fundraising volunteers are a precious commodity. ”

- Edgar D. Powell

“ Individual volunteers are an important basic in the institutional scheme of things… Adequately qualified Fundraising volunteers are a precious commodity. ”

- Edgar D. Powell

“ No organization is stronger than the quality of its leadership, or ever extends its constituency far beyond the degree to which its leadership is representative. ”

- Edgar D. Powell

“ Individual volunteers are an important basic in the institutional scheme of things… Adequately qualified Fundraising volunteers are a precious commodity. ”

- Edgar D. Powell

“ No organization is stronger than the quality of its leadership, or ever extends its constituency far beyond the degree to which its leadership is representative. ”

- Edgar D. Powell

“ No organization is stronger than the quality of its leadership, or ever extends its constituency far beyond the degree to which its leadership is representative. ”

- Edgar D. Powell

“ Individual volunteers are an important basic in the institutional scheme of things… Adequately qualified Fundraising volunteers are a precious commodity. ”

- Edgar D. Powell
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