Quotes of Womb - somelinesforyou

“ Out of Ireland have we come, great hatred, little room, maimed us at the start. I carry from my mother's womb a fanatic heart. ”

- William Butler Yeats

“ Careful?! Was my mother careful when she stabbed me in the heart with a coat hanger while I was still in womb? ”

- Trey Parker

“ Now, forasmuch as princes are not only powerful but rich, according to a number of people it is no wonder why states by encouraging marriage, advance their own interests. ”

- William Petty

“ It's terrifying, that unconditional love you have for a child. I still wonder if she really came from me, from my womb. It's a miracle. I don't understand it. I live it very intensely. ”

- Anne Parillaud

“ Every one of us is, even from his mother's womb, a master craftsman of idols. ”

- John Calvin

“ Truly you have formed my inmost being; you knit me in my mother's womb. I give you thanks that I am fearfully, wonderfully made; wonderful are your works. ”

- Psalm

“ The teeming Autumn big with rich increase, bearing the wanton burden of the prime like widowed wombs after their lords decease. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ If God had wanted us to think just with our wombs, why did He give us a brain? ”

- Claire Boothe Luce

“ Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I shall return there. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away blessed be the name of the Lord. ”

- The Holy Bible

“ Just as a fire is covered by smoke and a mirror is obscured by dust, just as the embryo rests deep within the womb, wisdom is hidden by selfish desire. ”

- Bhagavad Gita

“ It is from the womb of art that criticism was born. ”

- Charles Baudelaire

“ I carry from my mother's womb a fanatic's heart. ”

- William Butler Yeats

“ Everything can change, but not the language that we carry inside us, like a world more exclusive and final than one's mother's womb. ”

- Italo Calvino

“ But if God had wanted us to think just with our wombs, why did He give us a brain? ”

- Clare Boothe Luce

“ Art is a fruit that grows in man, like a fruit on a plant, or a child in its mother's womb. ”

- Jean Arp

“ The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus by the Supreme Being in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter. ”

- Thomas Jefferson

“ Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lor. ”

- Unknown

“ Call it womb awe or even womb worship but it's not simple envy. I don't remember even wanting to be a woman. But each of the three times I have been present at the birth of one of my children, I have been overwhelmed by a sense of reverence. ”

- Sam Keen

“ The Father is the Giver of Life; but the Mother is the Giver of Death, because her womb is the gate of ingress to matter, and through her life is ensouled to form, and no form can be either infinite or eternal. Death is implicit in birth. ”

- Kabbalah

“ I think I kind of came out of the womb singing. I think I was, like, born at the hospital, and, you know, popped out, and was singing. … I'm not sure really how it happened. I can't remember a time when I wasn't singing, or banging a beat on the dinner table. ”

- Emily Rossum

“ I reject the notion of talking about God as a person, but there's a difference between talking about God as a person and talking about God as personal. The term I use is pantheistic - everything is in God and God is in everything. That's pretty intimate, but it doesn't mean that we don't have to find our own way and do our own creating… ”

- Matthew

“ We are all conceived in close prison; in our mothers wombs, we are close prisoners all; when we are born, we are born but to the liberty of the house; prisoners still, though within larger walls; and then all our life is but a going out to the place of execution, to death. ”

- John Donne

“ The majority of persons choose their wives with as little prudence as they eat. They see a troll with nothing else to recommend her but a pair of thighs and choice hunkers, and so smart to void their seed that they marry her at once. They imagine they can live in marvelous contentment with handsome feet and ambrosial buttocks… ”

- Edward Dahlberg

“ Research shows that you begin learning in the womb and go right on learning until the moment you pass on. Your brain has a capacity for learning that is virtually limitless, which makes every human a potential genius. ”

- Michael J. Gelb

“ Dread not infanticide; the crime is imaginary: we are always mistress of what we carry in our womb, and we do no more harm in destroying this kind of matter than in evacuating another, by medicines, when we feel the need. ”

- Marquis de Sade
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