Quotes of Michael J. Gelb - somelinesforyou

“ Research shows that you begin learning in the womb and go right on learning until the moment you pass on. Your brain has a capacity for learning that is virtually limitless, which makes every human a potential genius. ”

- Michael J. Gelb

“ Champions know that success is inevitable, that there is no such thing as failure, only feedback. They know that the best way to forecast the future is to create it. ”

- Michael J. Gelb

“ By stretching yourself beyond your perceived level of confidence you accelerate your development of competence. ”

- Michael J. Gelb

“ Confusion is the welcome mat at the door of creativity. ”

- Michael J. Gelb

“ Confusion is the welcome mat at the door of creativity. ”

- Michael J. Gelb

“ Research shows that you begin learning in the womb and go right on learning until the moment you pass on. Your brain has a capacity for learning that is virtually limitless, which makes every human a potential genius. ”

- Michael J. Gelb

“ Champions know that success is inevitable, that there is no such thing as failure, only feedback. They know that the best way to forecast the future is to create it. ”

- Michael J. Gelb

“ By stretching yourself beyond your perceived level of confidence you accelerate your development of competence. ”

- Michael J. Gelb

“ Champions know that success is inevitable, that there is no such thing as failure, only feedback. They know that the best way to forecast the future is to create it. ”

- Michael J. Gelb

“ Champions know that success is inevitable, that there is no such thing as failure, only feedback. They know that the best way to forecast the future is to create it. ”

- Michael J. Gelb

“ Champions know that success is inevitable, that there is no such thing as failure, only feedback. They know that the best way to forecast the future is to create it. ”

- Michael J. Gelb

“ Confusion is the welcome mat at the door of creativity. ”

- Michael J. Gelb

“ Confusion is the welcome mat at the door of creativity. ”

- Michael J. Gelb

“ Champions know that success is inevitable, that there is no such thing as failure, only feedback. They know that the best way to forecast the future is to create it. ”

- Michael J. Gelb

“ By stretching yourself beyond your perceived level of confidence you accelerate your development of competence. ”

- Michael J. Gelb

“ Research shows that you begin learning in the womb and go right on learning until the moment you pass on. Your brain has a capacity for learning that is virtually limitless, which makes every human a potential genius. ”

- Michael J. Gelb

“ By stretching yourself beyond your perceived level of confidence you accelerate your development of competence. ”

- Michael J. Gelb

“ Research shows that you begin learning in the womb and go right on learning until the moment you pass on. Your brain has a capacity for learning that is virtually limitless, which makes every human a potential genius. ”

- Michael J. Gelb

“ Confusion is the welcome mat at the door of creativity. ”

- Michael J. Gelb

“ Research shows that you begin learning in the womb and go right on learning until the moment you pass on. Your brain has a capacity for learning that is virtually limitless, which makes every human a potential genius. ”

- Michael J. Gelb

“ Research shows that you begin learning in the womb and go right on learning until the moment you pass on. Your brain has a capacity for learning that is virtually limitless, which makes every human a potential genius. ”

- Michael J. Gelb
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