Quotes of West - somelinesforyou

“ Go West, young man, and grow up with the country. ”

- Andrew Greeley

“ Out where the handclasp's a little stronger, Out where the smile swells a little longer,That's where the West begins. ”

- Arthur Chapman

“ Berlin is the testicle of the West. When I want the West to scream, I squeeze on Berlin. ”

- Nikita Krushchev

“ You in the West have a problem. You are unsure when you are being lied to, when you are being tricked. We do not suffer from this; and unlike you, we have acquired the skill of reading between the lines. ”

- Zdenek Urbanak

“ Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet, Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God's great Judgment Seat; But there is neither East nor West, border, nor breed, nor birth, When two strong men stand face to face, though they come from the ends of the earth! ”

- Rudyard Kipling

“ California: The west coast of Iowa. ”

- Joan Didion

“ Metric is definitely communist. One monetary system, one language, one weight and measurement system, one world - all communist! We know the West was won by the inch, foot, yard, and mile. ”

- Dean Krakel

“ The most important principle of divine philosophy is the oneness of the world of humanity, the unity of mankind, the bond conjoining East and West, the tie of love which blends human hearts. ”

- Abdul Baha

“ Who could tell what forms, what visions, what faces, what forgiveness he could see in the glow of the west! ”

- Joseph Conrad

“ Give me an Army of West Point Graduates, and I'll win a battle… give me a handful of Texas Aggies, and I'll win a war!! ”

- George S. Patton

“ Biography is a very definite region bounded on the north by history, on the south by fiction, on the east by obituary, and on the west by tedium. ”

- Philip Guedalla

“ For us in Russia communism is a dead dog. For many people in the West, it is still a living lion. ”

- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

“ I recommend that the Statue of Liberty be supplemented by a Statue of Responsibility on the west coast. ”

- Viktor E. Frankl

“ It is time in the West to defend not so much human rights as human obligations. ”

- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

“ News is that which comes from the North, East, West and South, and if it comes from only one point on the compass, then it is a class ; publication and not news. ”

- Benjamin Disraeli

“ One ship drives east and another drives west by the same winds that blow. It's the set of the sails and not the gales that determines the way they go. ”

- Ella Wheeler Wilcox

“ Out with stereotypes, feminism proclaims. But stereotypes are the west's stunning sexual personae, the vehicles of art's assault against nature. The moment there is imagination, there is myth. ”

- Camille Paglia

“ Send danger from the east unto the west, so honor cross it from the north to south. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ The farther west he went the more he was convinced that the wise men came from the east. ”

- Horace Russell

“ We in the West do not refrain from childbirth because we are concerned about the population explosion or because we feel we cannot afford children, but because we do not like children. ”

- Germaine Greer

“ The real struggle is not between East and West, or capitalism and communism, but between education and propaganda. ”

- Martin Buber

“ In America there must be only citizens, not divided by grade, first and second, but citizens, east, west, north, and south. ”

- John F. Kennedy

“ One boat sails east and one boat sails west both by same breeze that blow. Tis the set of the sail and not the gale the governs the way you go.". ”

- Dennis Rolleston

“ Our law is a Jordanian law that we inherited, which applies to both the West Bank and Gaza, and sets the death penalty for those who sell land to Israelis. ”

- Yasser Arafat

“ And so by the fifteenth century, on October 8, the Europeans were looking for a new place to try to get to, and they came up with a new concept: the West. ”

- Dave Barry

“ Why not invest your assets in the companies you really like? As Mae West said, Too much of a good thing can be wonderful. ”

- Warren Buffett

“ We were young, we were merry, we were very, very wise, And the door stood open at our feast, When there passed us a woman with the West in her eyes, And a man with his back to the East. ”

- Mary Elizabeth Coleridge

“ While growing up in Birmingham around a lot of West Indian people, reggae and calypso were big influences early on but Otis Redding was the one person who made me wanna sing myself. ”

- Roland Gift

“ The plan was that I was going to retire and take a job with the American Federation, but Nottingham Forest offered me a contract and there was interest from West Ham and another Premiership club. ”

- Richard Gough

“ East is East, and West is San Francisco, according to Californians. Californians are a race of people; they are not merely inhabitants of a State. ”

- O. Henry
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