Quotes of Wayne - somelinesforyou

“ Wayne's World was a turning point-after Wayne's World, it was like, Who is this girl? Where did she come from? Let's give her another job. Have her come in and meet instead of read. ”

- Tia Carrere

“ I went over to say hi to Rob and he introduced me to Wayne and Fred. I had made a radical purchase of some brown Beatle boots. Wayne was like 'Where did you get those boots! Who is this guy? ”

- Michael Davis

“ I never went to a John Wayne movie to find a philosophy to live by or to absorb a profound message. I went for the simple pleasure of spending a couple of hours seeing the bad guys lose. ”

- Mike Royko

“ After my father had seen me in five or six things, he said, "Son, your mother and I really enjoyed your recent film, and I must say that you're a lot like John Wayne." And I said, "How so?" And he said, "Well, you're exactly the same in all your roles… ”

- Dermot Mulroney

“ No, I always wanted to be a singer. It was kind of funny that I took this road, started acting, then-almost ten years later-in Wayne's World people finally got to see me sing. And everyone thought it was dubbed in. ”

- Tia Carrere
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