Quotes of Michael Davis - somelinesforyou

“ I went over to say hi to Rob and he introduced me to Wayne and Fred. I had made a radical purchase of some brown Beatle boots. Wayne was like 'Where did you get those boots! Who is this guy? ”

- Michael Davis

“ I attempted to liberate some sunglasses from the corner drugstore. It wasn't a good idea. So they came charging out of there with ball-bats. I guess they thought I was a pretty vicious individual. ”

- Michael Davis

“ When I joined the band, being that I was going to take this up as a profession, I realized that there were no two finer guitar players in the world that I'd rather play with. ”

- Michael Davis

“ Back at that time, we played the songs pretty much the way we heard them on the records. We streamlined them somewhat. We even had band uniforms that we wore and that was one of the first things I had to do. I went out to the department store and purchased black slacks and a black vest and a green corduroy blazer… ”

- Michael Davis

“ I went over to say hi to Rob and he introduced me to Wayne and Fred. I had made a radical purchase of some brown Beatle boots. Wayne was like 'Where did you get those boots! Who is this guy? ”

- Michael Davis

“ I went over to say hi to Rob and he introduced me to Wayne and Fred. I had made a radical purchase of some brown Beatle boots. Wayne was like 'Where did you get those boots! Who is this guy? ”

- Michael Davis

“ Nicholls is in a dead spot with the design. ”

- Michael Davis

“ Back at that time, we played the songs pretty much the way we heard them on the records. We streamlined them somewhat. We even had band uniforms that we wore and that was one of the first things I had to do. I went out to the department store and purchased black slacks and a black vest and a green corduroy blazer… ”

- Michael Davis

“ I attempted to liberate some sunglasses from the corner drugstore. It wasn't a good idea. So they came charging out of there with ball-bats. I guess they thought I was a pretty vicious individual. ”

- Michael Davis

“ There was the movement on the West Coast and there was just a general consciousness that was coming about with all young people, unifying them- being against the war, being for the legalization of pot and the liberating of sexual taboos and restrictions and ignorant points of view that we learned growing up and learned to hate… ”

- Michael Davis

“ I went over to say hi to Rob and he introduced me to Wayne and Fred. I had made a radical purchase of some brown Beatle boots. Wayne was like 'Where did you get those boots! Who is this guy? ”

- Michael Davis

“ We had all these things to deal with - houses full of people and John going to jail, guys from New York saying 'don't worry about anything.' So it was really confusing. ”

- Michael Davis

“ There was the movement on the West Coast and there was just a general consciousness that was coming about with all young people, unifying them- being against the war, being for the legalization of pot and the liberating of sexual taboos and restrictions and ignorant points of view that we learned growing up and learned to hate… ”

- Michael Davis

“ I was not a musician at the time. I had an acoustic guitar and I used to sing folk music and Bob Dylan songs. I loved rock and roll though. ”

- Michael Davis

“ Back at that time, we played the songs pretty much the way we heard them on the records. We streamlined them somewhat. We even had band uniforms that we wore and that was one of the first things I had to do. I went out to the department store and purchased black slacks and a black vest and a green corduroy blazer… ”

- Michael Davis

“ Nothing ever sounds quite the way it does when you're standing right in the middle of it. ”

- Michael Davis

“ I started out with nothing. I still have most of it. ”

- Michael Davis

“ I attempted to liberate some sunglasses from the corner drugstore. It wasn't a good idea. So they came charging out of there with ball-bats. I guess they thought I was a pretty vicious individual. ”

- Michael Davis

“ I attempted to liberate some sunglasses from the corner drugstore. It wasn't a good idea. So they came charging out of there with ball-bats. I guess they thought I was a pretty vicious individual. ”

- Michael Davis

“ Nicholls is in a dead spot with the design. ”

- Michael Davis

“ I started out with nothing. I still have most of it. ”

- Michael Davis

“ I attempted to liberate some sunglasses from the corner drugstore. It wasn't a good idea. So they came charging out of there with ball-bats. I guess they thought I was a pretty vicious individual. ”

- Michael Davis

“ I was not a musician at the time. I had an acoustic guitar and I used to sing folk music and Bob Dylan songs. I loved rock and roll though. ”

- Michael Davis

“ Back at that time, we played the songs pretty much the way we heard them on the records. We streamlined them somewhat. We even had band uniforms that we wore and that was one of the first things I had to do. I went out to the department store and purchased black slacks and a black vest and a green corduroy blazer… ”

- Michael Davis

“ I started out with nothing. I still have most of it. ”

- Michael Davis

“ Nicholls is in a dead spot with the design. ”

- Michael Davis

“ I was not a musician at the time. I had an acoustic guitar and I used to sing folk music and Bob Dylan songs. I loved rock and roll though. ”

- Michael Davis

“ I started out with nothing. I still have most of it. ”

- Michael Davis

“ I attempted to liberate some sunglasses from the corner drugstore. It wasn't a good idea. So they came charging out of there with ball-bats. I guess they thought I was a pretty vicious individual. ”

- Michael Davis

“ Back at that time, we played the songs pretty much the way we heard them on the records. We streamlined them somewhat. We even had band uniforms that we wore and that was one of the first things I had to do. I went out to the department store and purchased black slacks and a black vest and a green corduroy blazer… ”

- Michael Davis
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