Quotes of Straight - somelinesforyou

“ In politics a straight line is the shortest distance to disaster. ”

- John P. Roche

“ As the Fletcher whittles and makes straight his arrows, so the master directs his straying thoughts. ”

- Buddha

“ The shortest way to do many things is to do only one thing at a time. ”

- Sydney Smiles

“ The shortest distance between two points is not a very interesting journey. ”

- R. Goldberg

“ Straight men need to be emasculated. I'm sorry. They all need to be slapped around. Women have been kept down for too long. Every straight guy should have a man's tongue in his mouth at least once. ”

- Madonna

“ You don't have to be straight to be in the military; you just have to be able to shoot straight. ”

- Barry Goldwater

“ All men are homosexual, some turn straight. It must be very odd to be a straight man because your sexuality is hopelessly defensive. It's like an ideal of racial purity. ”

- Derek Jarman

“ Americans know as much about Canada as straight people do about gays. Americans arrive at the border with skis in July, and straight people think that being gay is just a phase. A very long phase. ”

- Scott Thompson

“ What is straight? A line can be straight, or a street, but the human heart, oh, no, it's curved like a road through mountains. ”

- Tennessee Williams

“ An awful lot of gay pop stars pretend to be straight. I'm going to start a movement of straight pop stars pretending to be gay. ”

- Robbie Williams

“ I believe in looking reality straight in the eye and denying it. ”

- Garrison Keillor

“ One never learns by success. Success is the plateau that one rests upon to take breath and look down from upon the straight and difficult path, but one does not climb upon a plateau. ”

- Josephine Preston Peabody

“ As the flectcher whittles and makes straight his arrows, so the master directs his straying thoughts. ”

- Buddha

“ If reproducibility may be a problem, conduct the test only once. 2. If a straight line fit is required, obtain only two data points. ”

- Velilind’s Laws of Experimentation

“ Pain doesn't travel in straight lines. It circles back around and comes up behind you. It's the circles that kill you. ”

- Pat Conroy

“ Never has a man who has bent himself been able to make others straight. ”

- Mencius

“ An unstable pilot steers a leaking ship, and the blind is leading the blind straight to the pit. The ruler is like the ruled. ”

- Saint Jerome

“ In the middle of the journey of our life I came to myself within a dark wood where the straight way was lost. ”

- Dante Alighieri

“ When they come downstairs from their Ivory Towers, Idealists are very apt to walk straight into the gutter. ”

- Logan Pearsall Smith

“ so convincing were those dreams of being awake that he woke from them in a state of complete exhaustion, and had to go straight back to sleep again. ”

- Joseph Heller

“ The path to our destination is not always a straight one. We go down the wrong road, we get lost, we turn back. Maybe it doesn't matter which road we embark on. Maybe what matters is that we embark. ”

- Barbara Hall

“ Music is the last true voice of the human spirit. It can go beyond language, beyond age, and beyond color straight to the mind and heart of all people. ”

- Ben Harper

“ A smile is a curve that sets everything straight. ”

- Phyllis Diller

“ From timber so crooked as that from which man is carved, nothing entirely straight can be made. ”

- Immanuel Kant

“ All lies are told with a straight face. It is truth that's said with a dismissive giggle. ”

- Gandhi

“ Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. ”

- Proverbs

“ I've had eighteen straight whiskies, I think that's the record. ”

- Dylan Thomas

“ A life is like a tree — if you don't make it straight when its young and green, you'll never do it when it's old and dry. ”

- Unknown

“ A modern democracy is a tyranny whose borders are undefined; one discovers how far one can go only by traveling in a straight line until one is stopped. ”

- Norman Mailer

“ A straight path never leads anywhere except to the objective. ”

- Andre Gide
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