Quotes of Roast - somelinesforyou

“ I went into a McDonald's yesterday and said, 'I'd like some fries.' The girl at the counter said, 'Would you like some fries with that?'. ”

- Jay Leno

“ Perhaps a man hitched to the cart of a Martian or roasted on the spit by inhabitants of the Milky Way will recall the veal cutlet he used to slice on his dinner plate and apologize (belatedly) to the cow. ”

- Milan Kundera

“ As a result of trying to solve the big problems we face in life, many of us end up sacrificing individual relationships by doing things that we may consider as being small or insignificant at the time. This reminds us of the George and Gracie routine where George asks Gracie, How do you cook a pot roast? She replied, I put both a big pot roast and a small pot roast in the oven… ”

- Unknown

“ Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Canada are the horns, the head, the neck, the shins, and the hoof of the ox, and the United States are the ribs, the sirloin, the kidneys, and the rest of the body. ”

- William Cobbett

“ Mustard's no good without roast beef. ”

- Chico Marx

“ I think we're in a time when everyone's afraid to have sex. But I was raised being beautiful and healthy. ”

- Alyssa Milano

“ The feeling of friendship is like that of being comfortably filled with roast beef, love, like being enlivened with champagne. ”

- Samuel Johnson

“ John Henry Newman was as English as roast beef, even if he lacked a passion for cricket. ”

- Clifford Longley

“ A minister has to be able to read a clock. At noon, it's time to go home and turn up the pot roast and get the peas out of the freezer. ”

- Garrison Keillor

“ It's not color, it's like pouring 40 tablespoons of sugar water over a roast. ”

- John Huston

“ The road turns and the town suddenly springs into view, presenting itself like a crown roast of lamb served up on a bed of fresh spring greens. ”

- Maria Donovan

“ Wedding: the point at which a man stops toasting a woman and begins roasting her. ”

- Helen Rowland

“ Man who stand on hill with mouth open will wait long time for roast duck to drop in. ”

- Confucius

“ Keep out of Chancery. It's being ground to bits in a slow mill; it's being roasted at a slow fire; it's being stung to death by single bees; it's being drowned by drops; it's going mad by grains. ”

- Charles Dickens

“ A hot dog at the ballgame beats roast beef at the Ritz. ”

- Humphrey Bogart

“ Using words to describe magic is like using a screwdriver to cut roast beef. ”

- Tom Robbins

“ EXHORT, v.t. In religious affairs, to put the conscience of another upon the spit and roast it to a nut-brown discomfort. ”

- Ambrose Bierce

“ Roast Beef, medium, is not only a food. It is a philosophy. Seated at Life's Dining Table, with the menu of Morals before you, your eye wanders a bit over the entrees, the hors d'oeuvres, and the things a la though you know that Roast Beef, medium, is safe and sane, and sure. ”

- Edna Ferber

“ The parrot holds its food for prim consumption as daintily as any debutante, with a predilection for pot roast, hashed-brown potatoes, duck skin, butter, hoisin sauce, sesame seed oil, bananas and human thumb. ”

- Alexander Theroux

“ Don't assume you're always going to be understood. I wrote in a column that one should put a cup of liquid in the cavity of a turkey when roasting it. Someone wrote me that 'the turkey tasted great, but the plastic cup melted.'. ”

- Heloise
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