Quotes of Richness - somelinesforyou

“ Give us the luxuries of life, and we will dispense with its necessaries. ”

- John L. Motley

“ I think that anyone who's pushed to do the very best that they can is privileged. It's a luxury. ”

- Twyla Tharp

“ My family got all over me because they said Bush is only for the rich people. Then I reminded them, "Hey, I'm rich". ”

- Charles Barkley

“ The best richness is the richness of the soul. ”

- Prophet Mohammad

“ I think the rich are too rich and the poor are too poor. I don't think the black people are going to rise at all; I think most of them are going to die. ”

- Nina Simone

“ When you are grateful fear disappears and abundance appears. ”

- Anthony Robbins

“ True happiness brings more richness than all the money in the world. ”

- Sue Patton Thoele

“ Friendship is a treasured gift, and every time I talk with you I feel as if I'm getting richer and richer. ”

- Buddha

“ Protection is the first necessity of opulence and luxury. ”

- Joseph Conrad

“ Utility is when you have one telephone, luxury is when you have two, opulence is when you have three - and paradise is when you have none. ”

- Doug Larson

“ It was luxuries like air conditioning that brought down the Roman Empire. With air conditioning their windows were shut, they couldn't hear the barbarians coming. ”

- Garrison Keillor

“ Being rich is having money; being wealthy is having time. ”

- Stephen Swid

“ Give us the luxuries of life and we'll dispense with the necessaries. ”

- Oliver Wendell Holmes

“ Men are rich only as they give. He who gives great service gets great rewards. ”

- Elbert Hubbard

“ Not he who has much is rich, but he who gives much. ”

- Erich Fromm

“ Not what we have but what we enjoy, constitutes our abundance. ”

- John Petit Senn

“ My great hope would be that Quebec would realize itself fully as a distinct part of Canada, and stay Canadian, bringing to Canada a part of its richness. ”

- Gabrielle Roy

“ The Christian tradition was passed on to me as a great rich mixture, a bouillabaisse of human imagination and wonder brewed from the richness of individual lives. ”

- Mary Catherine Bateson

“ We do not remember days, we remember moments. The richness of life lies in memories we have forgotten. ”

- Cesare Pavese

“ There are some people who have the quality of richness and joy in them and they communicate it to everything they touch. It is first of all a physical quality; then it is a quality of the spirit. ”

- Thomas Wolfe

“ The taste of defeat has a richness of experience all its own. ”

- Bill Bradley

“ Life in the twentieth century undeniably has… such richness, joy and adventure as were unknown to our ancestors except in their dreams. ”

- Arthur H. Campton

“ When power narrows the areas of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of his existance. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses. ”

- John F. Kennedy

“ When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of his existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses. ”

- John F. Kennedy

“ Maya Angelou is a very prolific writer. You can read her stuff down once and sort of walk away, but if you really want to get the richness of what she is saying you have to check it out a couple of times. ”

- Stanley Clarke
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