Quotes of Reduced - somelinesforyou

“ If the nose of Cleopatra had been shorter, the whole face of the earth would have been changed. ”

- Blaise Pascal

“ I have only made this letter rather long because I have not had time to make it shorter. ”

- Blaise Pascal

“ The happier the moment the shorter. ”

- Pliny the Elder

“ If my books had been any worse, I should not have been invited to Hollywood, and if they had been any better, I should not have come. ”

- Raymond Chandler

“ Beauty is not diminished by being shared. ”

- Robert Anson Heinlein

“ The budget should be balanced. Public debt should be reduced. The arrogance of officialdom should be tempered, and assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed, lest Rome become bankrupt. ”

- Marcus Tullius Cicero

“ There is only one thing that arouses animals more than pleasure, and that is pain. Under torture you are as if under the dominion of those grasses that produce visions. Everything you have heard told, everything you have read returns to your mind, as if you were being transported, not toward heaven, but toward hell… ”

- Umberto Eco

“ Without a sense of place the work is often reduced to a cry of voices in empty rooms, a literature of the self, at its best poetic music; at its worst a thin gruel of the ego. ”

- William Kennedy

“ I have made this longer, because I have not had the time to make it shorter. ”

- Blaise Pascal

“ An honor is not diminished for being shared. ”

- Lois McMaster Bujold

“ I'm not a bit changed — not really. I'm only just pruned down and branched out. The real ME — back here — is just the same. ”

- Lucy Maud Montgomery

“ To have and not to give is often worse than to steal. ”

- Marie Von Ebner Eschenbach

“ See how many are better off than you are, but consider how many are worse. ”

- Seneca

“ See how many are better off than you are, but consider how many are worse. ”

- Marcus Annaeus Seneca

“ Universality has been severely reduced: it is virtually dead as a concept in most areas of public policy. ”

- Stephen Harper

“ I full well realize that politics is a rough and tumble business, but politics should not be reduced to lobbing partisan hand grenades. Politics is not war. Terrorism is. ”

- Pat Roberts

“ We are all of us the worse for too much liberty. ”

- Terence

“ Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. ”

- Izaak Walton

“ What comes out of you when you are squeezed is what is inside of you. ”

- Wayne Dyer

“ There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about. ”

- Oscar Wilde

“ It could become much worse. ”

- Thomas Mann

“ Things are going to get a lot worse before they get worse. ”

- Lily Tomlin

“ His knowledge of books had in some degree diminished his knowledge of the world. ”

- William Shenstone

“ I have made this letter a rather long one, only because I didn't have the leisure to make it shorter. ”

- Blaise Pascal

“ Some things are better than sex, and some are worse, but there's nothing exactly like it. ”

- W. C. Fields

“ If they wasn't in congress, why, they would be doing something else against us that might be even worse. ”

- Will Rogers

“ I don't know what more to say. I mean, we're all going to die in a world that is worse than when we entered it. ”

- Daniel Berrigan

“ When you're trying to pass on the best of the stuff you're culling to what should be a hungry culture but you have it diminished... that's kind of disappointing. ”

- Joni Mitchell

“ And yet to every bad there is a worse. ”

- Thomas Hardy

“ It would be even worse under the Democrats. ”

- Dick Armey
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