Quotes of Quarter - somelinesforyou

“ Good teaching is one-fourth preparation and three-fourths theater. ”

- Gail Godwin

“ This is the fourth? ”

- Thomas Jefferson

“ Good teaching is one-fourth preparation and three-fourths theater. ”

- James Anthony Froude

“ I don't know what happened, but there was a major malmisorganization problem there. ”

- Murray Walker

“ It's important for us, if we're going to be a good team, to be a good defensive team in the fourth quarter. ”

- Steve Nash

“ Twenty-three and a quarter minutes past, Uncle Matthew was saying furiously, in precisely six and three-quarter minutes the damned fella will be late. ”

- Nancy Mitford

“ You hear about how many fourth quarter comebacks that a guy has and I think it means a guy screwed up in the first three quarters. ”

- Peyton Manning

“ If we would simply take about a fourth of that and all of the various pork projects that were in the highway bill, and redirect some of that to the Gulf region, we would have billions of dollars to help rebuild that area and... not waste money that would otherwise be spent on a lot of things that don't have much to do with rebuilding highways and bridges,… ”

- Jon Kyl

“ A practical botanist will distinguish at the first glance the plant of the different quarters of the globe and yet will be at a loss to tell by what marks he detects them. ”

- Carolus Linnaeus

“ The town of Charlestown is situated on a peninsula formed by the Cooper and the Ashley, the former about two and an half miles wide, the other about one and a quarter. ”

- Benjamin Lincoln

“ Think of all the really successful men and women you know. Do you know a single one who didn't learn very young the trick of calling attention to himself in the right quarters? ”

- Storm Jameson

“ A penny saved is not a penny earned if at the end of the day you still owe a quarter. ”

- Mary Landrieu

“ I have always been a quarter of an hour before my time and it has made a man of me. ”

- Horatio Nelson

“ A lifetime contract for a coach means if you're ahead in the third quarter and moving the ball, they can't fire you. ”

- Lou Holtz

“ This is a day we have managed to avoid for a quarter of a century. ”

- John Glenn

“ The history of mankind is confined within a limited period, and from every quarter brings an intimation that human affairs have had a beginning. ”

- Adam Ferguson

“ It may be a penny for your thoughts, but it is now a quarter for your voice. ”

- Esther B. Fein

“ I fished a lot, dove a lot, boated a lot - and made Johnny Walker Red about a quarter of a million dollars richer. ”

- Dennis Diaz

“ I'm actually about as famous as a fourth division footballer from the 70s. ”

- Dylan Moran

“ If I do it in one school attendance area, then I do it in all 21 school attendance areas. ”

- Larry Williams

“ I think I coulda landed on a dime. I really do. ”

- Evel Knievel

“ They still have punch cards in the poorer sections of Florida, while there was electronic voting in the more wealthy areas. ”

- Jimmy Carter

“ The company accountant is shy and retiring. He's shy a quarter of a million dollars. That's why he's retiring. ”

- Milton Berle

“ The elections took place in some areas and we will deal with the results of these areas in a positive way,... As for the areas in which elections did not take place, we will find a proper solution. ”

- Mahmoud Abbas

“ I'm so rich, I wish I had a dime for every dime I have. ”

- Unknown

“ A neighborhood is a residential area that is changing for the worse. ”

- John Ciardi

“ Do you think that when they asked George Washington for ID that he just whipped out a quarter? ”

- Steven Wright

“ Love seems the swiftest, but it is the slowest of all growths. No man or woman really knows what perfect love is until they have been married a quarter of a century. ”

- Mark Twain

“ I offer neither pay, nor quarters, nor food; I offer only hunger, thirst, forced marches, battles and death. Let him who loves his country with his heart, and not merely with his lips, follow me. ”

- Giuseppe Garibaldi

“ I have always been a quarter of an hour before my time, and it has made a man of me. ”

- Lord Nelson
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