Quotes of Purple - somelinesforyou

“ Who are the violets now That strew the green lap of the new-come spring? ”

- William Shakespeare

“ Steals timidly away, Shrinking as violets do in summer's ray. ”

- Thomas Moore

“ The violet is a nun. ”

- Thomas Hood

“ The violets prattle and titter, And gaze on the stars high above. ”

- Heinrich Heine

“ I've been into the habit of freezing white grapes and using them as a snack. Instead of eating peanuts or popcorn or something like that or pretzels, I just eat the white grapes. ”

- Mike Ditka

“ Of evening tinct, The purple-streaming Amethyst is thine. ”

- James Thomson

“ Philosophy - the purple bullfinch in the lilac tree. ”

- T. S. Eliot

“ Fear is a slinking cat I find beneath the lilacs of my mind. ”

- Sophie Tunnell

“ I think the King is but a man as I am: the violet smells to him as it doth to me. ”

- William Shakespeare

“ A human being isn't an orchid, he must draw something from the soil he grows in. ”

- Sara Jeannette Duncan

“ Violet will be a good color for hair at just about the same time that brunette becomes a good color for flowers. ”

- Fran Lebowitz

“ Big doesn't necessarily mean better. Sunflowers aren't better than violets. ”

- Edna Ferber

“ We ought to do good to others as simply and naturally as a horse runs, or a bee makes honey, or a vine bears grapes season after season without thinking of the grapes it has borne. ”

- Marcus Aurelius

“ The violets in the mountains have broken the rocks. ”

- Tennessee Williams

“ You can't be suspicious of a tree, or accuse a bird or a squirrel of subversion or challenge the ideology of a violet. ”

- Hal Borland

“ I think it pisses God off if you walk by the color purple in a field somewhere and don't notice it. ”

- Alice Walker

“ He sometimes ran a purple ribbon through his typewriter and gushed where he should have dammed. ”

- T. E. Kalem

“ He wrapped himself in quotations — as a beggar would enfold himself in the purple of Emperors. ”

- Rudyard Kipling

“ Early impressions are hard to eradicate from the mind. When once wool as been dyed purple, who can restore it to its previous whiteness? ”

- St. Jerome

“ Ah, yes, I wrote the ''Purple Cow'' — I'm sorry, now, I wrote it! But I can tell you, anyhow, I'll kill you if you quote it. ”

- Frank Gelett Burgess

“ When I was born, I was black. When I grow up, I'm black. When I'm ill, When I die, I'm black. But you - When you're born, you're pink. When you grow up, you're white. When you're ill, you're green. When you go out in the sun, you go red. When you're cold, you go blue… ”

- Malcom X

“ I remember, I remember The roses, red and white, The violets, and the lily-cups, Those flowers made of light! The lilacs, where the robin built, And where my brother set The laburmum on his birthday, - The tree is living yet. ”

- Thomas Hood

“ Life and love are life and love, a bunch of violets is a bunch of violets, and to drag in the idea of a point is to ruin everything. Live and let live, love and let love, flower and fade, and follow the natural curve, which flows on, pointless. ”

- D. H. Lawrence

“ Certainly in days past no one ever sat down to design a plaid for the MacLumphas and wove into the texture blue for the varicose veins, red for the bloodshot eyes and purple for the claret nose of the clan chief. ”

- Micheil Macdonald

“ When I am an old woman I shall wear purple, With a red hat which doesn't go and doesn't suit me, And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves, And satin sandals, and say we've no money for butter. ”

- Jenny Joseph
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