Quotes of T. E. Kalem - somelinesforyou

“ Rarely has a people paid the lavish compliment and taken the subtle revenge of turning its oppressor's speech into sorcery. ”

- T. E. Kalem

“ He sometimes ran a purple ribbon through his typewriter and gushed where he should have dammed. ”

- T. E. Kalem

“ He sometimes ran a purple ribbon through his typewriter and gushed where he should have dammed. ”

- T. E. Kalem

“ Rarely has a people paid the lavish compliment and taken the subtle revenge of turning its oppressor's speech into sorcery. ”

- T. E. Kalem

“ Rarely has a people paid the lavish compliment and taken the subtle revenge of turning its oppressor's speech into sorcery. ”

- T. E. Kalem

“ He sometimes ran a purple ribbon through his typewriter and gushed where he should have dammed. ”

- T. E. Kalem

“ Rarely has a people paid the lavish compliment and taken the subtle revenge of turning its oppressor's speech into sorcery. ”

- T. E. Kalem

“ Rarely has a people paid the lavish compliment and taken the subtle revenge of turning its oppressor's speech into sorcery. ”

- T. E. Kalem

“ He sometimes ran a purple ribbon through his typewriter and gushed where he should have dammed. ”

- T. E. Kalem

“ He sometimes ran a purple ribbon through his typewriter and gushed where he should have dammed. ”

- T. E. Kalem

“ Rarely has a people paid the lavish compliment and taken the subtle revenge of turning its oppressor's speech into sorcery. ”

- T. E. Kalem

“ Rarely has a people paid the lavish compliment and taken the subtle revenge of turning its oppressor's speech into sorcery. ”

- T. E. Kalem

“ He sometimes ran a purple ribbon through his typewriter and gushed where he should have dammed. ”

- T. E. Kalem
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