Quotes of Philanthropic - somelinesforyou

“ To get, give. ”

- Bob Roth

“ Behold I do not give lectures or a little charity, When I give I give myself. ”

- Walt Whitman

“ Every charitable act is a stepping stone towards heaven. ”

- Henry Ward Beecher

“ Vegetarians eat vegetables. What do humanitarians eat? ”

- Bob Phillips

“ Be charitable before wealth makes thee covetous. ”

- Sir Thomas Browne

“ I have somewhere met with the epitaph on a charitable man which has pleased me very much. I cannot recollect the words, but here is the sense of it: ''What I spent I lost; what I possessed is left to others; what I gave away remains with me.''. ”

- Joseph Addison

“ He that gives quickly gives twice. ”

- Cervantes

“ He is rich who hath enough to be charitable. ”

- Sir Thomas Browne

“ Be charitable and indulgent to every one but thyself. ”

- Joseph Joubert

“ The willingness to share does not make one charitable; it makes one free. ”

- Robert Brault

“ For of those to whom much is given, much is required. ”

- John F. Kennedy

“ He that gives quickly gives twice. ”

- Miguel de Cervantes

“ One of the blessings of being rich is the blessing to be charitable. ”

- Unknown

“ You try to give away what you want yourself. ”

- Lois McMaster Bujold

“ Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think. ”

- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

“ Why do musicians give so much time to charitable causes? The most humanitarian cause that we can give our time to is the creation and performance of music itself. ”

- Billy Joel

“ The highest perfection of politeness is only a beautiful edifice, built, from the base to the dome, of ungraceful and gilded forms of charitable and unselfish lying. ”

- Mark Twain

“ I felt it was time to be a little charitable, in terms of friendships and healing up old wounds. ”

- Eric Clapton

“ Islam has shown two faces to the Jews, one benevolent, one less so. ”

- Jack Schwartz

“ It's only the giving that makes you what you are. ”

- Ian Anderson

“ I really believe that Clinton and Blair should be arraigned as war criminals. They justified Serbia by talking about humanitarian intervention. And that kind of crap I think we've had enough of. ”

- Harold Pinter

“ He was a great patriot, a humanitarian, a loyal friend; provided, of course, he really is dead. ”

- Voltaire

“ It's just a better percentage than giving it to Shaq. ”

- Steve Nash

“ Detached action is unselfish work. ”

- Bhagavad Gita

“ Much corporate giving is charitable in nature rather than philanthropic. ”

- David Rockefeller

“ Love can be unselfish, in the sense of being benevolent and generous, without being selfless. ”

- Mortimer Adler

“ He's giving it his very best. ”

- Jimmy Walker

“ I'm not a do-gooder. It embarrassed me to be classified as a humanitarian. I simply take part in activities that I believe in. ”

- Gregory Peck

“ The more we give of anything, the more we shall get back. ”

- Grace Speare

“ American philanthropic custom owes much to leadership by business and professional people. ”

- Robert L. Payton
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