Quotes of Jack Schwartz - somelinesforyou

“ It is not surprising that some pro-Taliban Pakistanis are now complaining because the U.S. failed to put Israel on its target list of terrorism. ”

- Jack Schwartz

“ It is not surprising that some pro-Taliban Pakistanis are now complaining because the U.S. failed to put Israel on its target list of terrorism. ”

- Jack Schwartz

“ Jews are not part of a European ruling class imposed on helpless natives, but are caught up in a tragedy in which two peoples are struggling for the same piece of land. ”

- Jack Schwartz

“ It is not surprising that some pro-Taliban Pakistanis are now complaining because the U.S. failed to put Israel on its target list of terrorism. ”

- Jack Schwartz

“ Genocide is an attempt to exterminate a people, not to alter their behavior. ”

- Jack Schwartz

“ It is not surprising that some pro-Taliban Pakistanis are now complaining because the U.S. failed to put Israel on its target list of terrorism. ”

- Jack Schwartz

“ Aside from rabid Islamists, no one who wishes to be taken seriously can publicly say anything bad about the old Jews of Europe without sounding like reactionary troglodytes. ”

- Jack Schwartz

“ Martin Luther King Jr., recognized bias when he saw it, knew what he was talking about. ”

- Jack Schwartz

“ We are hoarding potentials so great that they are just about unimaginable. ”

- Jack Schwartz

“ For many, the religious movement has become a political ideology which is totalitarian, anti-democratic, violent, and terroristic. ”

- Jack Schwartz

“ The disappearance of the Jewish state will not mean the disappearance of anti-Semitism. ”

- Jack Schwartz

“ The paradox of anti-Semitism is that it is invariably up to the Jews to explain away the charges. The anti-Semite simply has to make them. ”

- Jack Schwartz

“ When towns have sent out suicide bombers to fire incessantly and indiscriminately into Jewish communities, they become legitimate targets. ”

- Jack Schwartz

“ For many, the religious movement has become a political ideology which is totalitarian, anti-democratic, violent, and terroristic. ”

- Jack Schwartz

“ The disappearance of the Jewish state will not mean the disappearance of anti-Semitism. ”

- Jack Schwartz

“ The paradox of anti-Semitism is that it is invariably up to the Jews to explain away the charges. The anti-Semite simply has to make them. ”

- Jack Schwartz

“ Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East. ”

- Jack Schwartz

“ The most flagrant example of the Big Lie is the Arab assertion that there was never a Jewish presence in Palestine until modern times. ”

- Jack Schwartz

“ It is not surprising that some pro-Taliban Pakistanis are now complaining because the U.S. failed to put Israel on its target list of terrorism. ”

- Jack Schwartz

“ It is not surprising that some pro-Taliban Pakistanis are now complaining because the U.S. failed to put Israel on its target list of terrorism. ”

- Jack Schwartz

“ More recently, as faith gave way to materialism, anti-Semitism assumed a secular mode, harnessing itself to the dominant ideologies of both the Left and the Right. ”

- Jack Schwartz

“ It would be hard to ignore the absence of democracy in any Arab nation. ”

- Jack Schwartz

“ We are hoarding potentials so great that they are just about unimaginable. ”

- Jack Schwartz

“ The situation in the West Bank and Gaza involves a military occupation amid urban guerrilla warfare, analogous to the British security measures in Northern Island, that hopefully will end with a cease-fire. ”

- Jack Schwartz

“ The most flagrant example of the Big Lie is the Arab assertion that there was never a Jewish presence in Palestine until modern times. ”

- Jack Schwartz

“ For many, the religious movement has become a political ideology which is totalitarian, anti-democratic, violent, and terroristic. ”

- Jack Schwartz

“ For many, the religious movement has become a political ideology which is totalitarian, anti-democratic, violent, and terroristic. ”

- Jack Schwartz

“ The Arab representatives and their followers were not interested in the persecuted millions throughout the world; they were fixed on a political agenda that distracted the world from their own serious shortcomings in the human-rights department. ”

- Jack Schwartz

“ Palestinian ideology has become a lethal cocktail of radical nationalism and Islamic fundamentalism. ”

- Jack Schwartz

“ Avoid context and specifics; generalize and keep repeating the generalization. ”

- Jack Schwartz
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