Quotes of Overrate - somelinesforyou

“ Modesty is a vastly overrated virtue. ”

- John Kenneth Galbraith

“ Having something to say is overrated. ”

- Adair Lara

“ Nothing in our culture, not even home computers, is more overrated than the epidermal felicity of two featherless bipeds in desperate congress. ”

- Quentin Crisp

“ Mystery is underrated, and understanding is overrated. ”

- Larry McMurtry

“ I think high self-esteem is overrated. A little low self-esteem is actually quite goodMaybe you're not the best, so you should work a little harder. ”

- Jay Leno

“ Pretense is the overrating of any kind of knowledge we pretend to. ”

- Jonathan Swift

“ I recognize that I possess a very special intellect, but at the same time, I recognize that I'm lacking in a lot of areas. But being well-rounded is greatly overrated. ”

- John Carmack

“ Perseverance is the most overrated of traits, if it is unaccompanied by talent; beating your head against a wall is more likely to produce a concussion in the head than a hole in the wall. ”

- Sydney J. Harris

“ Success and failure are greatly overrated. But failure gives you a whole lot more to talk about. ”

- Hildegard Knef

“ We want God to come and save us. But he won't. God doesn't stop levees from failing, he doesn't stay the force of tsunamis, and he doesn't stop planes from smashing into buildings. Deus Ex Machina is overrated. ”

- Waiter Rant
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