Quotes of Noah - somelinesforyou

“ Noah must have taken into the Ark two taxes, one male and one female. And did they multiply bountifully! Next to guinea pigs, taxes must have been the most prolific animals. ”

- Will Rogers

“ Often it does seem a pity that Noah and his party did not miss the boat. ”

- Mark Twain

“ I violated the Noah rule: Predicting rain doesn't count; building arks does. ”

- Warren Buffett

“ Always plan. It wasn't raining when Noah built the ark. ”

- Richard Cardinal Cushing

“ Noah was a brave man to sail in a wooden boat with two termites. ”

- Unknown

“ Such is the human race. Often it does seem such a pity that Noah and his party did not miss the boat. ”

- Mark Twain

“ We've got goats, chickens, horses, dogs, cats, two emus and five pot-bellied pigs. We just keep collecting these animals. I think when you are named Noah, you are destined for a certain way of life. ”

- Noah Wyle

“ It is said that if Noah's ark had had to be built by a company; they would not have laid the keel yet; and it may be so. What is many men's business is nobody's business. The greatest things are accomplished by individual men. ”

- Charles Haddon Spurgeon

“ MAD, adj. Affected with a high degree of intellectual independence; not conforming to standards of thought, speech and action derived by the conformants from study of themselves; at odds with the majority; in short, unusual. It is noteworthy that persons are pronounced mad by officials destitute of evidence that themselves are sane… ”

- Ambrose Bierce

“ SACRED, adj. Dedicated to some religious purpose; having a divine character; inspiring solemn thoughts or emotions; as, the Dalai Lama of Thibet; the Moogum of M'bwango; the temple of Apes in Ceylon; the Cow in India; the Crocodile, the Cat and the Onion of ancient Egypt; the Mufti of Moosh; the hair of the dog that bit Noah, etc… ”

- Ambrose Bierce
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