Quotes of Mayor - somelinesforyou

“ Magic Johnson, former basketball player, may run for mayor of LA in the next election. Remember the good 'ol days when only qualified people ran for office like actors and professional wrestlers. ”

- Jay Leno

“ Beaverbrook is so pleased to be in the government that he is like the town tart who finally married the mayor. ”

- Beverley Baxter

“ If a large city can, after intense intellectual efforts, choose for its mayor a man who merely will not steal from it, we consider it a triumph of the suffrage. ”

- Frank Moore Colby

“ Prudent dullness marked him for a mayor. ”

- Charles Churchill

“ You served the people shamefully. The people thought they were electing a mayor. ”

- Harold A. Ackerman

“ If you elect a matinee idol mayor, you're going to have a musical comedy administration. ”

- Robert Moses

“ It took a long time for me to convince my staff people to leave me unscheduled from 2:00 to 4:00 everyday. And I need to do that as mayor. I need to schedule accessibility time. ”

- Dick Murphy

“ You have the biggest impact on controlling, on affecting local lives as mayor. It's so much more important than being a state legislator. ”

- Dick Murphy

“ There's no secret about my ambition, I do not want to go into the House of Commons. My only real political interest is in London and if one day I'm in a position to run for mayor, then terrific. ”

- Trevor Phillips

“ The mayor's race is a very sad event for me. I feel no connection. I have no passion. And I don't feel compelled to do anything. ”

- Maxine Waters

“ Society is well governed when its people obey the magistrates, and the magistrates obey the law. ”

- Solon

“ When I was sworn in as Mayor of Nashville back in 1991, I have to admit to you that I felt for several weeks like a bit of an outsider who had somehow taken over but didn't really belong in this nice palace. I secretly wondered if the real mayor would come back from vacation one day and call the police. ”

- Phil Bredesen

“ When you're a mayor and you have a problem you blame the provincial government. If you are provincial government and you have a problem you blame the federal government. We don't blame the Queen any more, so once in a while we might blame the Americans. ”

- Jean Chretien

“ Farm policy, although it's complex, can be explained. What it can't be is believed. No cheating spouse, no teen with a wrecked family car, no mayor of Washington, D.C., videotaped in flagrant has ever come up with anything as farfetched as U.S. farm policy. ”

- Gandhi

“ Wherever there are rock 'n' rollers, we'll play. That's what we've been doing for more than 30 years - rock 'n' roll. It's made me everything from an honorary mayor to honorary member of a motorcycle gang. ”

- Ronnie Hawkins
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